𝟸.𝟼: 𝚆𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚕 𝙸𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚆𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚕 (43)

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-Narrator's perspective-

After the fight with her father, she needed a much needed distraction and settled on focusing her attention to finding her brother, who is still missing. She gladly helped Klaus on torturing a few werewolves on telling them where their mother is. With him on the witches, and her on the wolves.

It took a while but they all didn't know making the two use extreme measures and just killed them, finally. As soon as Danielle had her not so helpful answers, she wiped a damp cloth over her hands while she stepped up a two-step stairs in her room to open the balcony doors for fresh air.

As she did, her bedroom door opened and her bloodlust was short lived after that. She had just disposed the deceased wolf's body for Hayley not to horribly see and she didn't.

But the blood on her shirt and hands says another story.

"I just talked to your brother." She informed and clicked her tongue seeing how bloody the Mikaelson looked. "I think this guy had the worse of you." She pointed around the blood that stained every inch of Danielle.

"What is it, Hayley?" Danielle asked, wiping the blood off her fingers. She kept her gaze to the girl in a narrowed eyes. "If this is about you wanting to help, you can set side it. You're staying here." She said in a final tone and walked past the girl, getting to her drawers.


"-My mother will torment me on the ends of the earth just to make me agree to her ridiculous plans. You butting in it will be a dealbreaker for her to use you against me." She informed rather quickly while turning around again with a clean shirt in her hand. "So, let me and Niklaus handle our mother. As much as her very existence tortures me, I will not let her hurt Elijah any further."

Before Danielle could walk past Hayley again, she was stopped when the girl held her arm. "Now?" She asked in an unbelievable tone.

"Well, Now, I hop in the shower to clean myself. Then, I'll join Nik in finding Elijah. I'm sure you can find something else to kill the time." She said and felt the Marshall's grip on her loosen. "Unless you want to join me in the shower." Danielle teased before turning around and entered her bathroom.

It left Hayley flabbergasted in her spot, looking at the closed door in a shocked manner. She snapped her neck back and looked back before leaving the room in a blushing matter.

As Danielle was digging up dirt to get her mother's coffin, she hit the very top of it. She exhaled before seeing that she reached the bottom. "I don't understand why I had to dig up our mother's rotting body." She grunted before pulling the casket up to the surface.

"I am keeping a look out." Klaus replied but they both know it was half meant. But his words became true when a bird flew onto a nearby tree, sitting on the branch while looking at them. "Are you watching this, mother? Nothing says 'I loathe you' quite like desecrating a corpse." He poured gasoline all over the coffin and lit up a lighter on his hand.


The siblings turned around upon hearing the familiar voice. They watched Elijah retreat to the abandoned and burnt house, gesturing for them to follow him. It took only a second as they were already inside, their brother playing a note in the piano. Elijah continously played the broken piano until he looked up to see how suspicious the two looked of him.

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