𝟻.𝟾: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙺𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝙾𝚏 𝚂𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚜 (𝟷𝟹𝟾)

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-Narrator's perspective-

Danielle sought to find an exit to her
so-called home. She had to admit, being back in the Abattoir brings a lot of memories by just a look around. Returning to the fold and being stuck under a roof with the person she hated most (at this time) was torture for her. All she could think about how Klaus described what he did to Audelia before she got to that abandoned house. How Elijah physically fought her, almost killed her if it wasn't for Klaus telling her to get inside the house. Just by imagining it pressured the weight on her shoulders.

Will she ever forgive him? If he ever remembers again... yes.

"I'm not helping him get out of here. He can find the exit by himself." Danielle says, couldn't even function properly if Elijah was near him. She thought the two of them would only be there but seemed like she was wrong because Klaus arrived shortly after she did. "If he ever recalls our vow then maybe I'd help him."

"No one's arguing with you, Dani." He says with a bit of irritation in his tone because of their predicament. "I'm just wondering if you saw who ever placed us in this Chambre de Chasse."

"If you don't know then I don't either." She defends, just remembering how a force snapped her neck and then was brought here. Danielle and her brother heard something clatter in the courtyard making them on high alert.

Before they knew it, Hayley came inside the room they were in. Looking equally as confused as they are. "What the hell is happening?" She questions making Klaus deeply sigh. Danielle looks around her, indiscreetly wanted to avoid her eyes which pierced her figure.

"A witch is messing with us. Looks like we need to find these bloody riddles and solve them quickly before something else comes up." Klaus said and stops, hearing someone open and close the door near them. "Who's there? Show yourself!" He demands.

"Oh, Nik." Rebekah calls, smiling slightly to see her family gathered together atlast. "Always so dramatic." Her eyes turned to her sister who changed. Too much for her liking. "Dani."

"Sister." She greets, a charming smile like they are on a vacation instead of an impending world together. Rebekah walks to her, hugging her warmly as they never saw each other since, well, for so long now. Their moment brought little light, making Hayley hide a smile to herself. That was before Rebekah slapped her arm making the other back away. "Seriously?"

"You never called, texted," Rebekah listed off and Klaus grimaces, keeping both of them at a distance before Rebekah could tear her head apart. "A letter? A simple sign would suffice our worries that you weren't dead."

"Who's next? Freya? Kol?" Danielle questions, stepping away from her sister before she got smacked again.

Suddenly, Kol appeared and is definitely not nude. He slumped on the couch and everyone looked at him. Hayley frowns and looks away whilst the Original glances down, realized he was exposed. Kol sighs deeply, clasping his face. "Bloody hell. My least favourite reccuring nightmare."

"Get out of here and atleast cover yourself up." Danielle grits at him, Kol surprised to see her here. "I'll give you a hug when you're dressed. Go." She says and Klaus laughs, shaking his head to himself. He was the only one who saw how Danielle noticed Hayley looking uncomfortable.

Now, who would want the woman that you love see another man naked?

The original had gone to a different room already and Hayley looks at the siblings. "As much as the timing is horrible, it's nice seeing you all in the same room." She says, looking at Elle who agreed but didn't meet her gaze halfway. "Where were you before this happened?" She asks Danielle who exhaled.

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