𝟹.𝟿: 𝚂𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛 (𝟾𝟷)

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-Narrator's perspective-

"Elijah, you called to tell me that I should pick you up from the airport?" Danielle asked unbelievably while rummaging through stacks and stacks of bookshelves around her.

"It's Christmas, Saraphina. I'd think you'd be a little more up for the spirits." He replied momentarily while he watched blankly as Rebekah mouth an 'I told you so.' Elijah shook his head, waving his sister off and talked over the phone. "Where are you?"

"I am somewhere deep in the bayou where Estella hid a very important artifact." She answered, one hand on her phone while she kicked open a door. "And No, I will not be picking you and Rebekah up from the airport."

Elijah sighed, "Please tell me you can find the very thing that could cause this ridiculous prophecy a better hand in fulfilling." He said in full hopes.

"I'm insulted you think I can't." She pouted in jokes while walking around the small yet huge bunker she found.

It was deep in the bayou. A secret bunker which got Danielle to even consider that it was from a millennium ago. She had asked- forced herself to ask- Jackson if he knew anything about it but he said he didn't. It was a short and hell-ish conversation which conducted a very awkward tension in the room. Surprisingly, Estella had found the place and hid the weapon somewhere in the room.

"A secret hiding place? And it's not heavily guarded with the Strix?" Rebekah had to ask with her eyebrows furrowed together. "It's too good to be true. Isn't it?" Danielle heard her sister from over the phone.

"It's not exactly not guarded. They found themselves dismembered with their heads." She informed, stopping in her tracks when more variety of vampires showed up to take her down. Or try. "And a few more. I got to go."

"Try not to horrify them, Saraphina." Elijah reminded until the call ended.

"Any of you lot wants to live? Just tell me where the artifact is." Danielle asked, holding both her hands up. But as soon as more jumped in to make themselves known, she looked around her seeing as she was surrounded by many. "No? Terrific, then." Her eyes shifted to gold, vein under it showed making them rush and fight.

"Saraphina." Elijah greeted, looking over at her sibling who was walking her way to where they were as of this moment. His eyes landed down to her hands which was covered in blood all the way up to her wrists. "I take it you found our artifact?" He guessed, grabbing the handkerchief out of his coat pocket and giving it to her.

"I have." She cleansed her hands and looked behind him to see more people who appears to have a life-time crisis. "What happened?" She asked in a frown, gesturing to Rebekah and Freya.

"Unfortunately, some vampires attacked our lovely sister and took the Seraturra." Rebekah informed, sitting down besides the said sibling of theirs. "So, can we see this mystical weapon that can kill our entire family?"

"Rebekah, please." The noble Mikaelson assist all in while Danielle chuckled lowly in amusement.

"What? It's not like I'm wrong." She said, hands up to show that she feigned innocence.

Danielle took the artifact from her pocket and tossed it to Rebekah who swiftly caught it. In that second of movements, the hybrid caught a glimpse of a mark on her sister's wrist. "What the hell is that?" She asked, pointing at her hand.

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