𝟺.𝟷𝟷: 𝙰 𝚂𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚝 𝙷𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚆𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝙱𝚎 𝙱𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 (𝟷𝟸𝟸)

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-Narrator's perspective-

When Danielle came back home, expecting the house to be empty except Hope and Audelia here, she heard silence from across every room. Strange... She felt Klaus' presence besides her, "I told you to wait for me." He grumbles, both of them walking to the middle of the room.

"Yes and as we speak, the Hollow has the upper hand if we don't destroy the totem keeping her safe. I'll do anything to destroy it- even going through Kol if it comes down to it." She said, her rage getting the better of her.

"Kol!" Klaus shouted, letting of his sister's behavior that was uncanny. Normally, he'd join her whenever she starts acting like him but Klaus was afraid he'll lose her in the darkness.

Just them, Kol appeared in front of the enraged hybrid Originals. "I imagine right now you're rather cross with me. You should know I have my reasons." He said more directly to Danielle.

"I have mine as well. Let's not waste time listing it off." Danielle suddenly pushed Kol up in the air, his body dropped on the floor violently from across the room.

Soon then, Klaus did most of the fighting since he knows how much Danielle cared for their little brother. He'd rather do this evil atrocities than let Danielle lose control. "Now stop and listen! I did what I did for Davina. The Hollow brought her back, and now they're linked. I just need a bloody second to set her free."

"Lovesick imbecile." Klaus flares and threw him on the wall, his back coming on contact with concrete very harshly. "The Hollow preys upon your weakness. She raised Davina to get you to betray your family, and you, pathetic as you are, leapt at the chance." Kol tried to punch his way, but Danielle held his wrist and throws him on the floor to subdue him.

"Our family owes Davina that much. Dani, she freed Hayley from the Crescent curse." He tried to get to her but Danielle was certain of her actions today.

"And I remain greatful. But not destroying that totem would kill Hayley and Elijah if you don't
hand it to me now." She punches him on the face, kicking his chest to get back him away. "Just give it to me, Kol."

Kol didn't say much and speeds to her but Klaus got to him first, throwing him
on the ground and made Kol lose the totem that was on his pocket. He reaches out to get
it but it landed on Danielle's feet, her grabbing it with her hand. Aiming to crush it and be done with it forever.

"No, Dani, please." He pleaded but Danielle lets go of the totem, causing it shatter when it hits the ground and the glowing light loomed inside of it was gone. Any second further, Hayley would have been more suffocated.

Besides her, Klaus took out the dagger which kept his siblings asleep for many many years. "No, Nik. I need a little time. I just need to know she's alive. Please, grsnt me this small mercy."

When Danielle destroyed the totem, she froze and saw a glimpse of the Hollow torturing Hayley with wolfsbane with her face. Her eyes got lost, forgetting why she was here with her brothers. Before she could process that image, it was gone and it left her worrying for Hayley and if she's alright. She didn't much care how she saw it or if the Hollow caught her in a weak moment. Either way, the Hollow showed her Hayley in pain which gave her difficulty to breathe.

She snapped out of her trance when she saw Klaus about to dagger Kol, making her speed to them and held the blade with her hand, alarming Klaus and Kol. "I think that's enough, Nik, let him go."

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