𝟸.𝟷𝟹: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚕 𝙸𝚜 𝙳𝚊𝚖𝚗𝚎𝚍 (55)

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-Narrator's perspective-

There was a person closest to Danielle Mikaelson other than her siblings. Only one- before Hayley came to her life. However, there was no singular spoken feelings between them, and at the time, both only knew that they were friends. A close one in that but they had no idea what to say to the confused emotions. It was a different time, different beliefs and when you're uncanny to other people, they judge and criticize. Having romantic feelings to the same gender was one of them.

The last time she ever saw Estella was the night Mikael found them hiding in the Castle. The Mikaelsons were left with no choice but to flee, travelling and Danielle was devastated. Other than her sister and brothers, she only resorted to talking to Estella and none more.

"Danielle." Kol called out. He just entered her room which was, surprisingly, too bright inside from the windows open.

"Leave, Kol. I have no time for any of you right now." She said as simple as that. But in his own stubbornness, Kol walked towards her in a desperate way for her to forgive him. "Rebekah's here and I don't think she's your biggest fan right now."

To the night when Danielle learned that her brothers were lying to her, Elijah and Kol learned from their hybrid brother that she knew. That Finn told her that they've been lying about Estella since the start. Particularly, Danielle still doesn't know of the truth, and she didn't know whether she wanted to or not. Like she said, it's all in the past and learning the origin of how Estella really died wasn't going to bring her back. It still remained a mystery to her, curiosity never brought up to her nerves as she just wanted Estella to find peace.

But Kol didn't care whether his little sister was here and said, "Look, I'm sorry, okay? I wanted to tell you, I swear." He said but the girl remained to ignore him by reading the book on her hands. "I'm dying, Dani."

That was when Danielle looked up, feeling her heart drop all the way to her stomach. She just got her brother back, it isn't possible. Right? It might just be a ploy for him to forgive her, right?

"You're lying. Stop it." She said in denial. But on how her witch of a brother didn't say anything more made her worried. "Kol. Say something."

To her said, Kol looked down on her apologetically. "Finn placed a hex on me. He locked me on my own body." He explained more. "It's horrible timing, I know but, I need your help."

The two Mikaelson siblings stared at one another for a moment. Kol, who wondered what was racing in his sister's head. The thoughts of her brushing him away pierced inside his own, fear of Danielle abandoning her for not telling the truth. It all got forgotten when she stood up and embraced him affectionately. The witch exhaled, hugging her back with much more love in it.

"We're going to need Nik and Rebekah's help on this one." She said out of the blue as they parted away. As expected, Kol looked afraid and about to protest but she spoke again, "I know you're telling the truth. They can either believe you- and trust me, they won't. So, you need me in order to convince them."

Kol looked hesitant and just nodded. But before they could leave the room, he spoke up. "I don't want Davina knowing this. I can't worry her over this little thing." He said with much seriousness in his tone. By it, Danielle nodded before they went out.

With both Rebekah and Klaus talking in the Lounge, they turned their head by hearing their sister speak up. "You and me both." She said after hearing her brother say how he wanted to murder people due to their family.

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