𝟺.𝟷𝟹: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚂𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚛𝚜 (𝟷𝟸𝟼)

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-Narrator's perspective-

When the Mikaelsons had Hope back, peacefully asleep in her room and unharmed, it was now up to them to do the emotional goodbyes. It was difficult, having to seperate from the people who grew up with you- the very people who they call family. On the bright side, Hope will be safe and hopefully grow up with a father and mother by her side. And yes, Hayley fessed up about what Vincent told her. That the Mikaelsons also have to stay away from Hope.

It gave them another reason to persuade Kol to come home and for Klaus to stay back and do nothing to stop them. The hybrid was thankful for his siblings for doing such a great sacrifice. But a part of him wanted to be selfish and run off with them but he had a daughter now. Hope, to think of and teach her how to do normal things with the help of Hayley.

Yes, Hayley. Speaking of, Klaus still hasn't seen her and Danielle talk properly. Much less look at each other intimately and affectionately. He was worried for his sister who endured the blows and ignorance that Hayley puts her through this past couple of day. Even though he wanted to talk to Hayley, tell her to make up with her "Elle" and be done with it. But he couldn't. Danielle would be enraged when she hears that Klaus adds himself in their business so he stayed away. But he thinks it was a bad decision to have made.

Especially now that Danielle was about to leave for good, possibly not having a chance to be in the same room as Hayley by tomorrow. Despite that facade about calmness and stillness, Danielle Mikaelson was restless inside. She had a lot to say but no energy had came in her to do so. Apologize to Hayley for... she didn't know exactly what she needed to say sorry for but if it takes Hayley to look at her again like old times, she'd give in. That's how much power Hayley holds over Danielle Saraphina Mikaelson. The supposed Original who didn't care about anyone other than her family.

Her title got revoked when she met Hayley. The werewolf who got pregnant by Klaus. And Danielle didn't care if she experienced love again. Having to feel that soaring moment in her heart was worth every pain she's had to fight for many many years. All those time she made a decision to push Hayley away, thinking that she'd be much more safer without her was a waste of time. Danielle should have leapt at the chance to be with the woman who made her feel joy like no one before. But she couldn't turn back time so she stayed in the present, thinking about the future.

"This is your final moments in New Orleans and with your family, yet you stay inside your room for 15 minutes long?" Klaus speaks up, seeing the room clean- weirdly clean. It seemed like Danielle dusted off all the dust and fixed everything here.

"I was going to the study in a few more."
Danielle said, rest assured and turns around after some time. "I can't be in my room by myself is what you think me last." She sighs, and so does he with the sam stressful levels.

"I'm going to miss you, little sister." He confessed, a tad bit emotional after today. They were in front of each other and Danielle lightly chuckles, being the one to not want their goodbyes so dramatic like this. "All of you."

"You once told me how I hate confrontation and goodbyes. I fear I've proven you wrong, big brother." She exhales, embracing Klaus and he returned the gesture eagerly. They both stayed that way, the man had tears in his eyes that fell when he hugged his best friend. "Don't weep. A waste of tears- no one needs to cry today."

Klaus laughs, parting ways and looking at her genuinely. "Where will you go? The world is a large place- Many continents and hundreds of countries to be." He questions curiously but Danielle pauses, a light smile on her face.

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