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-Narrator's perspective-

Somewhere around the world, a bar full of designated vampires, or a house where one family member is a vampire was living. They didn't expect to be dead far to soon- considering the fact that they were immortal. But when a newly turned vampire started to have nosebleeds, coughing like they couldn't breathe. Their bodies felt weak as their skin started to turn gray and brittle.

Just as their sire had died, they followed hours after.

"What do you mean wait?! Our sister doesn't procure the settlement to wait!" Klaus shouted in fury, his eyes were heavy just as a few tears trickled down the corner of his eyes. Just by he couldn't take a single, tiny bullet in Danielle's heart had made him blame himself.

Danielle groaned, closing her eyes shut while her brother tries to take the white oak out of her chest. There was no doubt that she felt it pierce her heart, every single beat continues to draw it closer and closer. "Nik..." She called, holding his wrist. "I'm not... gonna-"

"-No. Don't do this- I can get the bullet out, I just need time-" Klaus was freaking out, continued to dig further and made Danielle cried out in pain again.

"No! Niklaus- look at me." She exhaled shakily, holding him by his neck firmly making Klaus look at her. "I'm not going to survive this."

"In order for this to work Freya needs her energy." Elijah said, heart hammering in his chest. "Saraphina is in the pendant, there's no need to rush."

"Rush? Our sister's soul lays in a bloody necklace while we sit around acting like she isn't. Bring Freya in now. She's bringing Danielle back here and now-" He was about to walk past Elijah although the Vampire held his arm making him hault. "Elijah! You damn well know that Freya was weak when she placed Dani's soul in that pendant. If it didn't work, I'll bloody blame you!"

Klaus panted, pulling his hand back to himself as he couldn't grab the white oak bullet in his sister's chest. Which, as a fact, was now edging closer and closer to her heart, threatening her life. "No..." He mumbled, shaking his head even when Danielle told him it was okay. "Freya must still be in the cabin." He hoped before carrying his sister without an inch of hardwork. "She has to have something."

"Nik-" Before Danielle could stop him, The male hybrid already sped with every ounce of his speed to get to the cabin. Klaus kicked the door down, it flying to the other side of the room and alarming Elijah and Freya.

"The bullet nicked her heart- I can't get to it." Klaus informed shakily, bringing Danielle's body down on the couch. "Do something. I can't lose her..." He shook his head repeatedly, biting down on his knuckles in fear.

"Freya- your pendant." Elijah quickly said, holding the top of Danielle's head. He couldn't describe what he felt more. Fear of losing his sister, or resentment towards Danielle for being so careless to die.

Freya was breathing heavily, holding onto her blue pendant while the other hand was hovering above their sister. Just as then her chantings began, Danielle looked up the ceiling and felt her skin desiccate to grey. Her veins that was suppose to be blue turned colorless, she felt the desiccation rush up to her fingertips, hands, wrist... She began to feel cold when a tear had escaped her eye.

"Which is why we need to give her time to get her energy back." Elijah argued. Klaus jerked his hand back, stepping away before he could hurt Elijah. "Freya herself passes out in exhaustion just as when she put Danielle in the necklace. We don't have any reason to panic."

"I can think of many, brother." Niklaus announce, his tone of a voice was dull and sounded like he was dead. Although he was dead, it made him feel like he was permanently. "Who's going to tell Hayley?".

Elijah swallowed bitterly, "Tell Hayley what?" The two brothers anxiously snapped their neck towards the entrance of the study, seeing Hayley standing there. The Mikaelson brothers looked at each other, faces were speecheless when they didn't know what to say. "You know what? That can wait. I just had the Strix's coven almost kill me. They needed my heart from some jacked up desiring spell."

"What? Tell me exactly..." Klaus stopped when Elijah gave him a firm look. Now was not the time.

"I could. But first, where's Dani? I had to think of a long speech to apologize to her for being a pain in the ass." Hayley humourlessly laughed, looking around but the hybrid she was looking for isn't there. "Where is she?" She asked, looking at the brothers.

But when Klaus opened his mouth to talk, no words leaving, he decided to shut it again and looked down in shame. Elijah looked at Hayley apologetically, starting off on what his mind first thought of on what to say. "Hayley, first know that we're going to get her back. There's not a single thing on this earth that can wipe her off her existence-"

"-Existence?" Hayley repeated in confusion, untangling her arms that was crossed on her chest and let it drop on each side of her body. "Where's Danielle, Elijah?"

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