𝟺.𝟷: 𝙶𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚄𝚙 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙺𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚛𝚜 (𝟷𝟶𝟺)

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-Narrator's perspective-

5 years has passed since the great fall of the Mikaelson clan. Where it's been half a decade since Marcel Gerard, once part of the family he destroyed all on his own. People praised him, some even worshipped him for it. Then, they made it international so that every year, they would come to New Orleans just to celebrate Klaus Mikaelson's fall, including his psychotic siblings.

No one ever saw Klaus again except Marcel, who took the pleasure of torturing every single bit of his humane. The only thing that was keeping the Mikaelson alive, was that the thought of seeing his daughter and family again. And every time that he thought about it, it made him determined to keep going further.

Rumours of Elijah still being alive had spread throughout the supernatural world. Being as his sire line is still alive, everyone took it as a confirmation that he's still alive. And the possibility of his siblings as well. They could have had Danielle Mikaelson's proof of sireline being alive but she was suppose to be dead when the Strix was still in shape. But everyone knew she somehow came back to life, nobody ever saw her again.

Century year old vampires has been parading around to try and find Hayley Marshall. Who was suspected to help the Mikaelsons rise back from the dead and they were right. Marcel was too blind and only saw a mother who was now taking care of her daughter alone. And Marcel did not want to take Hope's mother away from her. He believe he was better than Klaus and could never do anything like he would. But people would challenge him because of that belief.

For the last 5 years, Hayley suffered, was pressured and raised her daughter well in the process. The thought of seeing a certain person brought her one step closer to accomplishing what she promised to Hope. And it was to bring their family back together and that was what she wanted.

Along the way, Hayley made enemies, gained friends and met with an old acquaintance that she had forgotten all about. Her name was Audelia- Addy, for short. The woman's a vampire who's been alive since the 1800's, been a massive help towards Hayley in gathering cures for the sleeping Mikaelsons.

They were vaccated in a simple house surrounded by trees, completely miles away from New Orleans and safe for Hope to grow up in. Hayley walked towards Hope's bedroom to check on her since she's going to leave in a few today.

She stood on the doorway to see her daughter drawing on her bed, surprised to see her all grown up now. If only Klaus could see her now, he'd be so amazed and proud of Hope, knowing that she inherited his talent of being an artist. In fact, Hayley could see a splitting image of the man in their daughter and made her smile of the thought. Even though Klaus and her had their ups and downs, they were family and she couldn't avoid that even if she wanted to like before.

They heard a car pull in the driveway and Hope looked at Hayley, "Is that her?" She questioned excitedly but Hayley, like any protective mother would, was thinking it could be anyone.

"Let me check. Stay inside." Hayley said and Hope nodded, going back to drawing her little image that she painted in her head. The Marshall walked outside and met with Addy who was waiting on the porch, watching a pick up truck park in front of the house.

"You know, If you're really worried about Hope, I can stay here with her." Audelia suggested while they were both walking towards Mary. "Pretty sure you can handle one werewolf."

"If you're too scared to take one werewolf's venom, then that's on you. Or maybe you're just afraid to finally meet the Mikaelsons." She jokingly said, crossing her arms.

"Based on the horror stories and what you say about them? Who wouldn't be." Addy said, watched Mary step out of the truck to greet them and had information on the werewolf they needed. "Besides, I'd think you're too determined to bring Danielle Mikaelson back."

It was no secret anyways.

"Well, now, aren't you a sight?" Mary greeted and walked towards the women. She met Audelia 3 years ago when they were following a lead about a Malraux werewolf which was a dead end. They were back with the information of the wolf, hopefully, it was now true.

"You're sure no one followed you?" Hayley asked, just making sure since she wanted to be careful and not sloppy of her actions. Especially when it could danger her daughter's safety.

"I've been avoiding trouble since well you were born. Now, where's that little girl?" Mary asked and was about to go to the house but Hayley was too focused.

"Did you find it?" She asked and Mary gave her a look. "Mary, please. After all this time, I am this close to getting them back. I found a cure for Freya's poison, I got a witch to siphon Rebekah's hex."

"So you're really gonna do it? Cure 'em and then wake 'em up? Did you ever stop to think that Hope might be better off without 'em?" The werewolf asked and Addy blew a puff of air, noticing the tension in the air and stayed away from the conversation.

Hayley looked at Mary and said, "I made a promise."

"To who? To Danielle?" She accused and the accusation was correct but it was not like Hayley would admit that.

"To my daughter. I promise her a home where she would feel safe and protected by the people that love her." She explained and sighed, getting tired of waiting. "Mary... she's a Mikaelson too. She's inherited all of their enemies and a power that... I don't understand. She needs someone to teach her to control it. I can't do this on my own."

Well, that was one way to convince Mary. "You told me to wake the Mikaelsons you needed to find all seven werewolf packs. You found six. The last one- The Malraux... I thought they'd been killed off." Mary takes out a paper from her pocket."According to this, there might be one left." Hayley was about to take it but Mary stopped her. "Hayley. You looked for five years. You found nothing. Suddenly, I get a word of a lead. What if someone else found it too? What if it's a trap?"

It didn't stop Hayley from taking the piece of paper, no regrets. She waited this long, she couldn't wait any longer. "Nothing will stop you from bringing her back, huh?" Audelia asked and Hayley didn't answer.

When Hayley and Audelia just finished on moving the coffins inside the truck, Hayley walked to where her daughter was who was saying goodbye to Addy. "...If you behave, I'd buy you that ice cream you loved yesterday. Deal?" Addy asked, extending her hand for a handshake which Hope did, as a deal. "Don't cause trouble, kid."

Hope looked to her mom next, "Do you have to go?" She asked in dread and Hayley sighs, sensing her disappointment.

"I do. But I'll be back, very, very soon. And we won't be alone." She smiled and hugged Hope, "I'll call you every night before bed, okay? In the meantime, you listen to Mary. Deal?" Hayley questions.

"Deal." Hope said and returned the gesture before hugging her mother a last time. Hayley turned around and walked towards the truck where Audelia were waiting.

"Keep your guard up. Stay moving. You smell trouble, you run. Those folks back there, they had plenty of life." Mary reminded while she trailed on Hayley's footsteps. "What you need to do is stay alive for your little girl."

"Everything I do is for her."

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