𝟸.𝟸𝟸: 𝙰𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚜 𝚃𝚘 𝙰𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚜 (67)

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-Narrator's perspective-

"Davina." Danielle called, stepping inside the tomb where she saw the witch about to resurrect Kol. Her gaze zeroed in on the ashes she was holding and it made her part even harder. Because with one pour, it will all end very soon.

"Dani. I was about to call you. I found a way to resurrect Kol." She excitedly said but the hybrid could only look at her with a plain expression. "You... don't look surprised."

"What I'm about to ask is... incredibly stupid and I don't think you'll ever forgive me for it." Danielle said truthfully before walking up to her. They were both on opposites side and in the middle was an opened cement coffin.

"Please don't tell me." Davina said, already feeling that she was up to no good.

"I need your power of resurrection." She said bluntly and the witch was about to have a full blown rage and speech about not doing it, she spoke again, "In order to defeat Dahlia is that we need my very lovely and dead Mother." Danielle held up the jar of her ashes.

Davina shook her head almost too quickly. "I only have one shot at this. I'm using it to bring Kol back. You know, the brother you swore you'll resurrect." She reminded out of spite.

"We will find a way to bring Kol back and I came here over urgent matters, Davina." She said in defense and sighed, shaking her head in complete sorrow. Danielle placed the jar down to the edge of the cement before unclipping the necklace around her neck. "This very pendant will surely make your mind up." She held it up for her to see.

"I gave that to Freya to lure you back here." Davina said in remembering it. When Danielle gave her a knowing look she clicked her tongue. "It doesn't matter. It's useless anyways, I tried everything and read every book but nothing made sense. It's not even near the ancient artifacts book in this generation." She explained.

"That is why I brought this." Danielle said and showed her Esther's Grimiore. "I found a way to talk to Kol using the talisman. All we need is a grain of his ashes and you are in complete control to talk to him. Because Davina? He will never do anything to the extent of hurting Hope. The only danger we face is Dahlia and Dahlia will do whatever it takes to rob my niece of her freedom."

That was when Davina was starting to consider her option. The only person she cared for was Kol but even his wants, she thought of. The witch looked down on her hands, the Jar made of glass. "Fine. If he says no, then it's a no." She said, walking around the coffin to get to Danielle. Truth was, she really wanted to talk to Kol and ask him what she should do.

After Danielle flipped the pages and narrowed it down to the use of the pendant, Davina took it and carefully read every word. "It says here we need a living Mikaelson to hold ground in the living world." She said in a frown and looked up to Danielle.

"That's where I come in." Danielle said and handed her the talisman. "Ready to talk to Kol?" She asked while she watched Davina pull the lid off of Kol's ashes, grabbing a pinch of it.

"Yes." She answered and placed the grimoire down, repeating the incantation over and over in her head.

Then, the two joined in on one hand while Davina held the pendant in the other. The witch between them started to chant and soon, Davina was pulled to where Kol was to talk to him. All in while Danielle held her head up and her eyes were completely white.

"How do we know it's working?" Rebekah asked, both her and Elijah walking inside the room.

"Just look at Danielle, sister. Do you think it's working?" He asked as if it was a dumb question to ask.

"You never know." Rebekah huffed a few puff of air before grabbing the Grimoire for her to read. "...In one place. To this full extend of crossing nature's rules, the visitor will only have 3 minutes to talk to the desired dead Mikaelson. If it passes the time... the Mikaelson who held ground in the living world will deteriorate." She read out loud, words trailing off and looked at Elijah in horror.

He took it off her hands and read the entire thing again. "This is insane- we need to get them out of there." He said and looked betweem the two where Danielle's nose started to trail off of blood.

"No, no, no." Rebekah stopped him from pulling the two from each other. "I fear if we pull Davina off of Dani it will only make it worse." She said and held him aback.

"And what do you propose us to do? Leave our sister to die?" He asked back in frustration.

"I don't know, Elijah. It seems like our sister always have a deathwish since she came back home." She fired back and both's gaze landed on the hybrid again. "Goodness sake- it's past two minutes."

"Enough." Elijah shook his head, face turned into something more of a somewhat feared expression.

He proceeded to walk towards them but stopped in his feet when Danielle inhaled sharply and backed away from Davina. The witch did the same and realized a bunch of tears escaped her eyes when she had the chance to talk to Kol again. But then, she remembered what he said to her that made her pull back from the land of the living.

"You didn't told me there was a time over your head!" Davina shouted and pushed Danielle. Whom of which just recovered from a terrible headache and a nosebleed.

"Yes, pray tell, what on earth were you doing getting yourself killed?" Elijah asked and handed his sister the handkerchief on his pocket which she took.

"What were you hoping? You die and we have another Mikaelson sibling who's dead to bring back to life?" Rebekah scolded.

By every person in the room, Danielle rolled her eyes and cleaned the blood trailing down to her jaw. "Can you three stop? I've had a rough day and I suggest we put an end to it by ironically, pulling Mother back from the dead." She huffed in annoyance, tossing the cloth away.

"It actually worked? You talked to Kol?" Rebekah asked in surprised, looking over to her sisted who shook her head.

"No, I did." Davina said and grabbed the jar which contained Esther's ashes. "He told me to resurrect Esther. We didn't had a heartfelt goodbye when he informed that Danielle was about to die if I didn't pull away from the ancestral plane." She added further and the girl clicked her tongue and brushed it away.

"Oh, please we both know Kol would want more than 3 minutes of time with you." Danielle said to defend her beliefs but all of them wasn't listening. They only saw that she was willing to die. "It worked. Stop looking at me like that and time is at the essence." She waved her hand for Davina to start and she did.

"This will be dealt with later." Elijah warned, pointing at her. She rolled her eyes and backed away from the circle once that Davina was finished on chanting.

It took time but the liquid inside the coffin was made to solid in seconds. "There. It's done." Davina said and sighed. She really needed that power to bring back Kol but Kol wished to be resurrected in another day. His focus was aimed on his niece's safety.

A hand escaped the cement and soon, Esther's Original face came at view to them. She, confused, looked around and saw her children. Minues an unfamiliar witch.

"Oh, my day keeps getting better and better." Danielle complained, watching how Elijah sped to shackle their mother to dampen her magic powers.

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