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"So, you wanna go?" My best friend asked, sitting beside me on the couch.

I sighed, dropping my magazine into my lap. Jane had just finished telling me about how she needed to go drop her car off at the DX. Apparently a friend is necessary in this drop off for moral support. It's just an oil change and the DX is the cheapest garage in town.

"I guess so, but you're gonna buy me a pop!" I agreed, opening the magazine once more.

She squealed in excitement, clapping her hands together, before throwing her arms around my neck.

"You're such a good friend! Now, let's get going! My appointments in 45 minutes!" She pulled me from the comfy couch and I grumbled at the loss.

As we left the air conditioned house I already regretted my agreement to join her. The Tulsa heat made an immediate sweat linger on my brow.

It only took about 20 minutes to arrive to the gas station with the built in garage, but Jane was so convinced we would be late. I shook my head with a quiet laugh as we pulled in and she rambled on about how it was better to be early than late.

We climbed out of the car and entered the shop, walking up to the counter.

"How can I help you?" The boy asked eyes looking Jane up and down.

"Umm, I have an appointment for an oil change." Jane blushed, while dropping the change for my pop in my hand.

The boy nodded and led her back out to the garage, asking about which car it was.

I skipped in joy as I went to the back to grab my Pepsi. As I made my way back to the front counter another boy in a DX uniform entered the store, arguing with a girl.

"Look, there she is now!" He gestured to me, eyes wide with a pleading look. "Babe! How has your day been?"

He walked over and placed a kiss on my cheek, one of his finds hands finding its way my waist. My cheeks blushed as the attractive boy showed me the affection.

"It's been good," I answered, my own hand resting on his chest. "How about yours?"

"Better now that you're here," he chuckled, placing another kiss on the opposite cheek as before.

"She's obviously not your girlfriend," the other girl scoffed. She rolled her eyes at me and I pushed myself further into the boys embrace.

"Babe, who's this?" I muttered as the boy took the soda from my hands, popping the lid off.

"Nobody worth talkin' about," he muttered in return, sending me a thousand watt smile. My heart melted at that smile. This seemed to be the final straw for the girl, stomping her foot on the ground before storming out of the door yelling profanities at a boy.

The boy sighed in relief, finally releasing me from his grasp. "Sorry, bout that. That broads been bothering me for weeks. Sodapop Curtis." He explained, introducing himself.

"Don't worry about it, no big deal." I brushed the encounter off even though my blushing cheeks would say otherwise. I offered my name in greeting, Sodapop repeating it with a smile.

"Consider the Pepsi on the house. Payment for your generous acting skills."

"Of course, it's the least I can do babe." He chuckled.

"Well, I guess I should go out and check on my friend. See if he's done with her car."

"Umm, before you go, you maybe wanna go on a date sometime?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck. "I'm not usually so quick to.ask a girl out, but I feel like there's something here"

"I think I'd like that," I agreed with a giggle. "Hey maybe we can double if Jane and your friend really hit it off."

"Maybe." He agreed with a laugh.

I quickly scrawled my number on to a random receipt before handing it over to  Sodapop.

"Call me." I smiled, backing up to the door.

"I will." He agreed with a big cheesy smile on his face.

I exited the building with the ring of the bell on the door following me, excited for the days to come.

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