Dallas *requested*

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Requested by @peace0714. I hope you like it.

I was cleaning around the house when my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Irini!" I heard my best friend, Darry, say into the phone.

"Darrel!" I replied laughing. "Wachya need?"

"Do you think you could tutor Ponyboy?" He asked politely.

"What's he need tutoring on?" I asked, shocked. I never thought he'd need tutoring.

"American History." Darry replied. "He's making a low B but he knows he can get an A with a little help."

"Yeah, I'll do it." I couldn't say no to them. "When do you want me to come by?"

"Is tomorrow afternoon good for you?"

"MmHmm." I hummed looking at my calendar. "I'll see you then."

"Thanks, I owe you one!" Darry called into the phone as he hung up.

People pay me to tutor them all the time, but the Curtis boys will get it for free. It's not that I'm super smart I'm just good at explaining how to do the work. The one thing, or shall I say person, I dread about going over there is Dallas Winston. We don't talk much but when we do he just annoys me. I hope he's not there tomorrow.

•the next day•

I mumbled to my self as I hurriedly grabbed my bag and car keys and ran out to the car. I'm running a bit late if you couldn't tell. I quickly drove to the Curtis', hoping Darry wouldn't be mad. Once I got there I walked into the house to see Pony just setting his stuff on the table.

"Just in time!" Soda grinned and tossed me a Coke.

"Thanks, Soda." I smiled at him, putting my bag on the table. "Ready to start?"

"Yep." Pony said grabbing his notebook. "We're on the revolutionary war." Pony informed as I pulled out the textbook.

We're thirty minutes into the session and Dallas has been annoying us for the past ten. He keeps grabbing our papers, closing the books, and interrupting us when we try to talk.

"So do you understand the significance of the Boston Massacre?" I asked Pony as we had just finished reading the section about it.

"I think so, didn't it..." Pony was interrupted by the sound of his book hitting the floor and Dallas laughing.

"Looks like you dropped something, Pony." Dallas laughed.

"Can we take a break?" Pony asked and I nodded in response.

"Y'know I'm trying to help him with his grades? Some of us actually care about our education." I rolled my eyes as Dallas sat beside me.

"Really?" Dallas replied sarcastically as he put his legs in my lap. I tried push them off but he's a little stronger than me.

"Will you stop! I'm trying to do something!" I yelled as Pong and I started again.

"Sure." He replied and I sighed in relief. "Under one condition."

"What?" I groaned.

"You have to go on a date with me." He said with a smirk.

"Not in a million years, Winston." I said slowly. "So.." As I tried to continue Dallas hit the table. "So.." I tried once more but the same thing happened. Every time I tried to say something Dallas would somehow stop me.

After about five minutes of silence I looked over to see Pony trying not to laugh and the rest of the gang watching from the living room in amusement.

"Fine!" I screamed. "I'll go on a date with you!" Dallas immediately smirked.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow at six. Be ready." He smiled and kissed my cheek.

What have I gotten myself into?

A/N: I will no longer be accepting requests until I get caught up the ones I'm doing right now. So if you've sent one in and it's not done yet I will try and get it done as soon as possible.

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