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I couldn't help the giggle that was already escaping me as I entered the DX.

Everyday I go to the DX to buy a Sprite, it's only a plus that I get to terrorize one of the employees while I'm at it. Even though the boy has a strong disliking towards me I can't help but admit how attracted I am to him. He never fails to make me laugh when I come in.

"Steve!" I cheered as he came into view. He didn't respond besides rolling his eyes at me while letting a scoff escape him. "C'mon, Stevie! You keep ignoring me like that you'll hurt my feelings!"

"Will you just get your sprite and go home? Aren't your folks wondering where you're at?" He asked, looking at the clock on the wall.

I ignore his remark as I walk up to the counter with the glass bottle. I reached over the counter and grabbed his cheek with an annoying tug. "Why would I go home when you're here?"

"Will you just get outta here?" He asked, exasperated. "I really can't deal with you today."

"Fine." I agreed with a frown in my face, wondering what has him in such a bad mood already. "But I'm hanging out for double the time tomorrow!"

I popped the lid off the glass bottle before backing ny way out of the store.

The weather was getting cooler and the sun was setting sooner this time of year. I should've remembered that when I left for the DX. Should've left a little sooner. Maybe then I wouldn't be jumping at the sound of a revving car and yelling boys, seemingly driving in my direction. It wasn't long until they were pulling up next to me.

"Hey, Grease! How about you let us show you a good time!" One of them yelled with laughter as he hopped out of car, striding up to me.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I growled, stepping away from the boy.

"Oh, this one's got some bite!"

I didn't respond, choosing instead to spit in his face. He stopped in his tracks, wiping the spit from his cheek. He kept out a soft scoff before breaking into a sprint after the girl.

"Get her!"

I sprinted through the park, convinced I would be able to outrun them. Unfortunately they caught up, grabbing me and pushing me to the ground.

My only goal was to keep the tears from falling, keeping that satisfaction from them as their feet kicked injuries into my abdomen and face.

I could only hope they would get bored of me quickly.


I didn't go to the DX for three days after that. Choosing instead to lay in bed and try to recover from the injuries.

After finally dragging myself home after being jumped, I was disappointed to find my parents gone. Again. I'm not sure where they went so often but they were gone more often then they were. Only God knows doing what.

Even these bruises and injuries cannot stop me from my addiction to the lemon-lime soda though. So on the fourth day, I pulled my sore body from my bed and left my empty house in search of the gas station. I made sure to tug on a hoodie before leaving, making sure to cover any visible bruises.

I was surprised to be greeted by Steve first when entering the store. He almost always ignored me until I greeted first.

"Hey!" He called my name. "Where have you been? You never miss more than a day."

My back was faced towards as I walked to the cooler in the back of the store. I knew it was only moments until he'd spot my black eye.

"Oh. I just haven't felt very well." I grabbed the glass bottle before finally turning around. The cocky smirk quickly fell from his face.

"Who did this to you?"

"Its really nothing Steve! Don't worry about it!" I tried to laugh the situation off but he wouldn't drop it.

"No." He almost growled. "Who hurt you?"

"I got jumped, Steve, but please! This kind of stuff happens all the time! Don't worry about it!" I begged as he called out for Soda, his best friend.

"No. No one touches you but me. Do you understand?" Sodapop came from the back with a look of confusion on his face, but realization seemed to dawn on him upon spotting me.

"Who we beating up?" Soda asked, crossing his arms.

"Just tell us the Socs names and we'll handle it, okay?" Steve said, cupping my cheek.

"Why? You don't even like me?" Tears began to grow in my eyes.

"Of course I like you," he muttered. "I just didn't want you to know that!"

"Well you did pretty good at that then." I couldn't help but laugh at the situation. Boys are ridiculous.

"Just let me do this for you." He whispered. "Then we can talk about us after."

"Okay," I whispered back, naming the few boys in the group I recognized. Steve nodded at the information, turning to give Soda a look.

"I'm gonna make this right." Places a soft kiss to my lips and then pulled me into a tight embrace.

My heart grew as I realized he cared for me.

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