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She only told him that she loved him.

He barely knew the girl but she would always tell him. It started after his had dad beat him one time and he ran out of the house and to the lot. She was sitting against the fence with only a thin jacket to cover her. She looked at him and saw the bruises on his face and the way he shook as he walked through the lot. She decided that maybe he needed to hear it.

"Hey, I love you." She told him, and he didn't know it yet but he needed to hear it. She started to tell him all the time. Every time she told him he fell for her a little bit more, but he never said it back.

He realized a year later after she had jumped off a bridge that maybe she needed to here it too.


Only she told him that she loved him.

She didn't think about it much but he sure did. Every time. Whether it be after a kiss goodnight, during a rough make out session, or even after he had just told her a dumb joke. She was just expressing her love for him but for him it meant much more.

Because what she hadn't realized was that the only time he ever heard those words were when they left her mouth.


She told only him that she loved him.

After Sandy had cheated on him Soda didn't trust anyone. He thought everyone would end up finding someone better than him. I mean, he was only a pretty face right? Well that's what he thought, but she didn't think so. She loved every aspect of him. His brain, his body, and his soul. The problem was that he didn't believe her when she told him she loved him. He thought she was saying it to someone else. Within three months he had broken up with her.

But what he didn't know is that he was the only person she said those three little words to.


She only told him that she loved him.

When she said it she meant it, there was nothing to question about it. But she didn't mean it the way he did. He meant it in the way of my chest hurts when you're not around, you're all I think about when you're not here, and you're the only one for me. It was a bit different for her. She saw him as friend, her best friend.

"God, I love you." She told him as she laughed at one of his many jokes.

But not the way he loved her.


She told him that she loved him only.

She would tell him every day that he was the only one for her and he was a fool to believe it. His friends had warned him about her but he was too stubborn to listen. He didn't know that every other night she was out partying. He didn't know she was on every drug she could find. He didn't know she was cheating on him whenever she felt like. I suppose it was part his fault for not paying enough attention to her like everyone else she ever knew. He loved her, he really did, but in her twisted mind that wasn't enough.

She wanted all of his love and to not have to share. She would tell that to anyone that asked.

But she didn't know that Darrel Curtis gave his love to everyone.


She told him that only she loved him.

If there was anyone that was afraid of losing someone it was her. She felt safe in the relationship until she realized how many girls had their eyes on him. She became insecure and every now and then would slip in that she was the only one who loved.

"No one loves you more than me." She would whisper in his ear after seeing a girl flirt with him. He would smile and tell her same thing, not realizing how much he needed to reassure her of it.

Then one day he convinced her to run away and elope. Only then did she feel safe once more.


She told him that she only loved him.

He didn't understand what she had meant. He had asked her it what was wrong and she answered with, 'Its only that I love you." He didn't answer when she looked back up at him, not knowing what to say. He didn't understand why that was a problem until he realized, she really loved him, but he has a girlfriend. He saw that his best friend had fallen for him but he hadn't fallen for her. He knew that it would tear her to pieces.

So he lied to her.

"But I love you too."

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