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"Please, please, please come watch Mickey with me!" Two-Bit begged from the Curtis' living room. I tapped my pencil against my my textbook in annoyance. He's been begging for the past thirty minutes.

"If I watch one episode will you leave me alone? One?" I sighed in exasperation. "I gotta get this homework done."

"Yes! Just one!" He cheered as I stood from the table, making my way to the floor beside him. He threw his arm around my shoulders, pulling me in to snuggle into his side.

Two-Bit brought me to the Curtis' with the intention of introducing me to his gang, yet when we got here we seemed to be the only ones here. Two was happy to sit down and consume his favorite show while I decided it would be a good time to knock out some homework, you can see how well that turned out.

I had briefly seen most of his gang throughout school, but this would be the first time I was formerly introduced. He said that now that we were going steady I had to meet them, although he couldn't care mess if they like me or not.

As Mickey drove the steamboat I felt my eyelids getting droopy, the exhaustion of the day catching up with me. I tried to keep my eyes open for as long as possible but as I slowly migrated to laying my head in Twos lap and his fingers found their way into my hair, j could resist temptation.

I'm not sure how long I had fallen asleep for, but I woke up to the sound of at least three more voices and to myself cuddling into Two-Bit.

"Will you guys shut your holes? She's sleeping!" I heard Two scold the other boys, stroking my hair out of my face.

"Can't believe you're going steady." One of the boys scoffed. "She's so far out of your league."

"I'll show you out of your league when I punch you in the face." He muttered and I had to stifle my chuckle. While the insult didn't quite make sense I still found it amusing.

Even though I could easily pay like this with Two all day, I figured it was time to make my appearance. I did come here to meet the other boys.

Slowly my eyes blinked open, my bleary vision coming into focus. The first thing I see is Two-Bit smiling down at me, and behind him on the couch two other boys who I recognize to be Sodapop Curtis and Steve Randall.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty!" Two-Bit joked as I pulled myself into a seated position. I sent him a playful galre before turning my attention to the boys behind him.

I quickly introduced myself while running my fingers through my messy hair.

"Its a pleasure to meet you!" Sodapop laughed as he introduced himself and Steve.

The two boys shared a knowing look and I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"What's that look all about?" I asked, glancing back towards Two in confusion.

"Don't worry about it, they're just being a couple of assholes!" He glared at them.

"Those are your friends! Be nice." I scolded, smacking him softly on the shoulder.

"Yeah, Two! Be nice!" Steve laughed, smacking Two-Bit on the back of the head. Before I knew what was happening Sodapop was pulling me onto the couch and Two was pulling Steve onto the ground in a wrestling match.

"You better get used to this," Soda winked at me, sticking his foot out to get a kick in at the two boys. "Cause I have a feeling you're gonna be around a while."

"What makes you say that?" I asked.

A mischievous glint filled his eyes as he looked at brawl once more, staring at his friend, my boyfriend.

"Just trust me on this one. I know what I'm talking about." He said.

I stared at Sodapop carefully, trying to decide if I wanted to push on the topic. But as he gave me that movie star smile, I knew that I could trust him. Something clearly happened or was said during the time I was asleep to produce this impression.

I looked back to my boyfriend, he sat on the ground with one of his best friends in a headlock. The boy desperately calling uncle but Two-Bit acted as if he couldn't understand him.

Many people would roll their eyes at the sight. Yet a strange warmth grew in my chest, an emotion I didn't quite understand filling my body.

I can only hope that Sodapop is right. I can only hope that I'll be around for a while.

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