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It's a rainy day as I sit on the couch in my living room watching sad movies. Ponyboy and I broke up a couple of weeks ago due to him falling in love with another girl. He's not even been sad. It kills me that she'll be the one to watch the sunset with him. It kills me that she'll be the one to hear how into a book he is. It kills me that she'll be the one cheering him on at track meets. It kills me she's the one he'll be cuddling with on rainy days like this.

It kills me that he's no longer mine.

As all of these thoughts raced through my mind I began to cry again. As I cried into the palms of my hands I felt someone sit down next to me on the couch. I turned my head to see my older brother there, he opened his arms and I leaned into him and cried into his chest.

"Oh, (Y/n)." he whispered into my hair. "One day you'll forget all this. One day you'll forget him."

"But what if I don't?" I asked as I looked up at him.

"Then that will mean he came to his senses, and somehow, in someway. He got you back." He replied as he pushed my messy hair out of my face. I didn't respond but wrapped him into a tight hug.

Later on in the day I decided that I was going to shower and run to the grocery store. It's only ever me and my brother here and it's my turn to make dinner. Our Parents went on a vacation about a year ago and decided on not coming back. So it's just the two of us. I decided just to wear something comfortable, so I left the house in a pair of black shorts, a tank top, and a gray jacket. When I got to the store I decided on my brothers favorite, which is simply hotdogs and french fries. I walked quickly through the store,just wanting to be at home, when I walked into a hard chest. I fell to the floor and looked over to see the one and only Sodapop Curtis.

"Why don't ya watch where your going Pepsi-Cola?" I asked with a teasing smile.

"(Y/n)!" Soda cheered and pulled me into a bear hug. "We've missed you so much! Ponys' new girl is terrible!"

"I've missed y'all too." I giggled as he finally released me.

"You should come over for supper." He suggested. "Pony misses ya too even though he won't admit it. Maybe if he sees ya he'll want you back." He had hopeful eyes.

"I don't think so." I replied and his face fell. "And if he did want me I wouldn't take him back. At least not yet."

"Why wouldn't you take him back?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"I want him to fall apart like I did." I said as a tear sneaked out of my eye. A look of realization came across Sodas face as he pulled me into another hug.

"I'm sorry." He whispered. "I forgot how that break up affected you."

"It's alright." I smiled up at him.

"At least come say hi to Darry. He's getting milk." ( A/N: lol DARRY Is in the DAIRY section!") Soda smiled as he pulled me down the isle and towards the milk. At least I know I'll still have the gang. When I was catching up with Darry I heard a familiar voice come up behind me.

"Darry we found the grocery list." Pony said and my entire body tensed up. I turned around and my heart broke even more as I saw him holding hands with a girl. She's very pretty. She's tall with long, blonde, curly hair. Pony froze once he saw me.

"(Y/n). How have you been?" He said as he glared at my hand intertwined with Soda from when he was pulling me to Darry. Soda must've seen too because he wrapped an arm around me.

"She's doing really good!" He answered for me.

"I can answer for myself." I laughed.

"I've just missed you so much!" He yelled.

"I've missed you too!" I hugged him. "I gotta go though. I'll visit you at the DX sometime." I smiled as I walked away. As I walked I heard the girl speak.

"Stop staring at her!" I smirked and thought back to something Soda said. 'Maybe when he sees you he'll want you back."

A/n: hey please check out my new story 'Expect the Unexpected.' It would really help me out(: thank you guys so much for reading and supporting me through this book as well!

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