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You and Darry have been fighting for hours. It started while y'all were eating dinner. He had canceled another date because he had to go into work that day. When you started fighting Soda and Pony just say there quietly eating and then eventually went to their room.

"I don't know why you're making a big deal!" Darry yelled

"You don't know?! You're always canceling things! We haven't gone out together for three months!"

"Well I'm sorry that I have to work to support my family!"

"It wouldn't hurt to take a day off! All you do is work! And when you're not your to tired to do anything!" My throat was starting to hurt but I refuse to back down.

"Well having to jobs will make you tired! I have bills to pay! I can't afford a day off!"

"I've offered to help you with bills but you always say no!"

"I don't need help! I've got this handled! And you wouldn't be able to help much anyways with your shitty job!"

"Well I'm sorry that my job isn't up to your standards but at least I actually got one!"

"I didn't say it wasn't up to my standards!"

"That's what it sounded like!" Tge fight continued for thirty more minutes and I couldn't stand it any more. "I hate you!" I couldn't hold the tears anymore. I sat down on the couch and they came pouring out. No one said anything for a couple of minutes.

**Darrys POV**

She hates me? I didn't know what to say. I watched as she sat on the couch crying.

"You hate me?" I said barely above a whisper. She just sat there for a couple minutes then looked up at me. Her make up was running down her face.

"No. I don't." She whispered looking at down at the ground. "I'm gonna go home. I'll see you tomorrow babe. I love you." She said gathering her stuff.

"Let me drive you. You don't need to walk." I don't want her getting jumped. Especially after a fight like this.

"Okay." When we got to her house she said the same thing she did at the house.

"Okay babe. I love you too." I replied as she got out and went into her house. When I got back home both boys were sitting in the living room.

"You guys are supposed to be in bed." I say taking my shoes and jacket off.

"Well we couldn't sleep with all the yelling." Soda said.

"And we didn't hear any thing after I hate you so we came to see what happened." Pony added. I sighed.

"She said she didn't mean it. I think she just got worked up over the fight. She's coming by tomorrow and we're gonna talk about it."

"Well if she's gonna come by tomorrow make her a special dinner or somethin'." Pony smiled.

"Yeah!" Soda agreed excitedly. "You can make that Italian crap she likes so much! Me and Pony will get the guys out of the house and we'll go to Dairy Queen or somethin'."

"That Italian crap would be Fettuccine Alfredo." I laughed rolling my eyes.

"Yeah! That!" Soda said. "And then it'll show you got somethin' out of the fight. She said y'all never got anytime alone."

"I think I'll do that." I said after thinking about it. "She would really like it. Thanks guys."

"Did Darry just thank us?" Pony whispered jokingly.

"I think he did!" Soda went along.

"Yeah. I did. Now get in bed you two!" I rolled my eyes and they groaned.

"Fine." They said in unison.

**Your POV**

I feel really bad about what I said to Darry last night. He looked so sad after I said it. The fight was getting so overwhelming and I didn't know what to do. I'm gonna have to wait until Darry gets off work to apologize though. It's almost time for me to go to work to. I work at the grocery store. I'll stop at the DX on the way and check up on Sodapop.

"Hey (Y/n). What're you doin' here." Soda asked as I walked into the store.

"Just came to make sure you and Steve are doing you're jobs." I winked.

"Us? Doing our jobs? Of course." Steve said jokingly. I laughed. I grabbed a coke and walked back up to pay. As I was getting it I heard them whispering about somethin'.

"What're you two smilin' about?" I asked as I was about to leave.

"Nothin'." Soda said a little to quickly.

"Okay. I'll see you later."

"Okay." Steve said. And after that I left. Those two are weird.

Work went by really slow. It was really boring. I just wanted to get done so I could go apologize to Darry. I know he has to work to pay bills and stuff. I shouldn't of said that to him. Now that I'm done with work though I can get out of the uniform and head over there. When I got there the lights were off and there were candles everywhere with my favorite music playing.

"Darry?" I called out smiling like crazy.

"In here babe!" I heard him say from the kitchen. I walked in and saw him putting to plates on the table.

"What is this?" I say and walk over and kiss him.

"Well I really wanted to make it up to you. So I made a home date." He smiled.

"I absolutely love it!" I smile and kiss him again. "I'm sorry about what I said yesterday."

"It's okay." He said and we sat down to eat. It was perfect.

"So did you like everything?" He asked as we finished eating.

"It was perfect." I say what I was thinking before.

"The perfect night for the perfect girl." He smiled and I kissed him... Again. We sat on the couch and we were soon making out. I went to take his shirt off but the. Someone opened the door.

"No! Not on the couch! Bad Darry!" Soda yelled. Darry and I groaned and turned to look at him and saw Steve with him.

"Who do you think you are? Steve asked. "That couch is a sacred place!"

"It's just a couch." I say and both boys gasped.

"We all sit there." Soda said.

"And we all sleep there." Steve added.

"How long have y'all been out there?" Darry asked and they stopped.

"Well..." Steve said.

"Umm... Just a little while. We ate before we came." Soda finished for him.

"So that's why y'all were acting so weird at the DX? Y'all were planning on coming here?"

"Yep." They said at the same time. I rolled my eyes.

"Let's go to my place Darry. My parents are out if town." I smiled. "And no one will interrupt us." I glared at Soda and Steve.

Darry smiled. "Okay. It'll be late when I get home Soda." Soda made a face and him and Steve went into the kitchen to eat leftovers.

That was the best night I've had in a long time. (;

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