Johnny *requested*

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This imagine is for @ZaryaBrooks I hope you like it.(:

Right now I'm getting ready to go on a date with Johnny. We've already gone on a few dates but he hasn't asked me out yet.

**Johnnys POV**

"So where you gonna take Zoe for your date?" Pony asked.

"I dunno yet. Where do you think I should take her?" I asked. I always get really nervous when I take Zoe out. I really like but I'm to scared to ask her out.

"Who you taking on a date?" Dally walked up behind us.

"Um Zarya Brooks. You know Zoe don't talk?" I think he had to do a project with her at school.

"Yeah I know her. She's a shy one." Dally said lighting a cancer stick. "She you're girl?"

"No. He's to scared." Pony rolled his eyes and Dally smirked.

"Where should I take her?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"Here." Dally reached into his pocket and pulled out a wad of money. "I got this playing poker the other night. Now you can take her somewhere better than Dairy Queen." He laughed and handed me fifty dollars.

"Are you sure?" I hesitated to take the money.

"Yeah yeah." He said shoving it at me.

"Thanks." I smiled. "Well I better go get ready. See ya later." Pony nodded and Dally messed up my hair as I walked away.

**Zoes POV**

I was looking in the mirror trying to decide what to wear and do to my hair. I finally decided on straightening my hair and wearing a simple dress. By the time I had got ready Johnny was there to get me. I walked out of my room and he smiled.

"What?" I smiled in return.

"You look good." I blushed and looked at the ground. After that Johnny and I started walking.

"Where are we going?" I asked curiously.

"It's a surprise." I groaned and he laughed. We continued walking and had random conversation. I hadn't noticed when we finally stopped walking. I looked over and saw a cute, little restaurant. I smiled and looked Johnny. "We're here." He grabbed my hand and we went in. A took us to our seats and got what we wanted to drink.

"Where'd you get the money for this place?" I asked looking at the menu. It wasn't expensive but it wasn't cheap either.

"A friend." He smiled. He's told me a lot about his friends. It was most likely Dallas. We finally decided on what to order and it didn't take long for them to bring us the food. The food was absolutely amazing. I looked up and saw Johnny looking at me.

"Is there food on my face?" I asked.

"No. I just realized how pretty your brown eyes are." I blushed. I feel that I look pretty simple. Brown eyes, Brown hair, and I'm curvy. Nothing special about that.

"Thank you." I smiled and was still blushing. The rest of the nights were filled with laughter and more compliments. I've never felt more beautiful. After we got done eating and paid the bill we went to the lot. We were sitting on the grass and I was pointing out some of the constellations in the sky and telling him the story behind them.

"How do you know all this?"

"I don't know. I just find it interesting."

"Zoe." He said kind of nervously.


"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course." I smiled so big it felt like my face was gonna break. Finally! He asked me out! Johnny smiled as well and wrapped his arm around my shoulders and we went back to looking at the stars. I could never be happier.

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