Ponyboy *requested*

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This was requested by @ArgentMcCall12. I hope you like it.

I laid in my bed the fifth day in a row, but it feels like I've been laying here forever. Ponyboy and I got in this huge fight which ended in us breaking up. I don't think either of us remember what it was about, but we're both to stubborn to admit that, I think it was something small. Something not worth arguing about. I sighed as I remembered our last conversation.

"Why do you have to be so stubborn?!" Pony yelled at me. "You're wrong and you know it!"

"I'm not being the stubborn one here!" I retaliated. I was about to say something else but Pony said something that made us both stop in our tracks.

"Just shut up!" He yelled. "Damn, I hate you so much." I looked at him in shock as I felt a tear roll down my face and he looked as if he didn't even know he said. He held his hand over his mouth and stared back at me. "Alivia.."

"No. If you hate me, then I'll leave." And then I left, Pony didn't even come after me.

As I thought about it even more I started sobbing again.

"You have to get out of the house!" My brother said dragging me out of bed.

"I don't want to!" I groaned grabbing onto my blankets, then being dragged off with me.

"Come on. We're gonna go get gas then we're gonna go shopping because I know you love SHOPPING!" He screamed.

"Fine!" I then got up and proceeded to get ready for the day. Once I finally got ready my brother dragged me out the door. We pulled into the DX and my brother had me run in and pay. I walked and heard Soda yelling to.... Pony.

"Oh hey there's somebody I need to talk to." Soda said once he saw me. "Stand at the counter for me!" I glared at him as he ran out the door to my brother.

"Should've known this was a set up." I muttered and heard the same thing behind me. I turned and saw Pony standing there with dark circles under his eyes and messy hair. "Hey." I said quietly.

"Hey." He replied. We both stood there awkwardly and I saw our brothers moving closer to the door. Idiots. "How've you been?"

"Terrible." I replied honestly.

"Me too." He said. "I really miss you."

"I miss you too." I replied quietly.

"You know I didn't mean it right?" He asked stepping closer to me.

"Then why didn't you come after me?" I asked as a silent tear fell down my face."

"Honestly?" He chuckled. "I was afraid you'd beat me up." I couldn't help but laugh. "Can you give me a second chance?" I stood there thinking about it as he gave me a hopeful look.

"Yeah." I smiled. "I can." He smiled a giant smile. He walked up to me and pushed my hair out of my face and leaned down to kiss me. Right as lips were about to touch we got interrupted.

"No no no." My brother said pulling me away."

"You guys are not old enough for this." Soda said picking Pony up. "Silly kids."

"Think they can kiss." My brother scoffed. "Ridiculous." I laughed, happy that everything is okay now.

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