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Right now I'm on my way to Two-Bits house. He said he had something really important to tell me. I quickly got dressed and started walking over. I put on his favorite outfit I wear. He didn't sound very happy. I hope nothing's wrong. I went into his house and saw him sitting on the couch staring at a blank TV.

"Umm you okay babe?" I laughed. He looked at me and smiled.

"Hey darlin'." He pulled me into his lap.

"What's wrong?" He glanced at the coffee table but then stared at the TV. "You know you're gonna have to turn the TV on for that to work." I rolled my eyes and grabbed the stack of envelopes on the coffee table. He sighed and turned the TV on. I found one with his name on it and figured that's what it was. I pulled the paper out of the envelope and started reading it. When I got done I looked at him with tears in my eyes and saw some streaming down his face.

"I'm being drafted." He said finally looking me in the eye.

"No." I cried. "This is just some joke."


"No maybe we can get you out of it. There's gotta be somethin' we can do!" Two pulled me closer to him and nuzzled his head into my neck. "It's not fair!"

"I know darlin'. I know." We sat there for about twenty minutes just crying. He's still just a kid. He did nothing to deserve this. What if he dies? Then what am I supposed to do?

"Have you told the gang?" I asked.

"No. I wanted you to know first." He mumbled. We got up and started walking to the Curtis'. Most likely where all the boys will be. We walked in and all the boys were laughing.

"Hey Two!" Soda smiled. "The draft letters were delivered today. We're all safe!" As soon as he said that I was sent to tears.

"Actually. Not all of us." Two-Bit said quietly. Everyone stared at him.

"You're joking right? This is one of your dumb pranks right?" Steve said.

"I wish it was." Two said. The room went silent and the only thing you could hear was me crying.

"How long til you leave?" Darry asked.

"Two weeks." Those two weeks went by fast. Two weeks never went by quicker. He acted the same though. He joked and laughed as usual. I don't know how he did it.

**Two-Bits POV**

Today was the day I was leaving everyone was quiet. I'm absolutely terrified! I'm not gonna survive at war! I'm not mature enough! Well we're at the airport and I'm saying my goodbyes to the gang. Last but definitely not least is (Y/n). I walked up to her and knew I was about to cry. I hugged her and we both started crying.

"Promise me you'll wait for me."

"I promise." She choked out.

"I love you. I'll write to you everyday."

"I love you too. I'll write as well." As soon as she said that they called for my plane to load. I leaned down and kissed her. I wish that kiss could've lasted forever. I pulled away and started walking towards the plane.

"I'll call you when I can!" I yelled. She smiled and blew me a kiss. I smiled and boarded the plane.

**Your POV**

I watched as Two board the plane. God he better live.

•one year later•

Right now I'm in my house making lunch. Two is still in Vietnam and I'm still depressed about it. I still hang out with the gang. Almost everyday. They definitely help. My phone started ringing. I sighed and walked over to answer it.

"Hello?" I answered quietly.

"(Y/n)! We're coming over." Dally.

"Why?" I asked.

"You'll see." He said then hung up. Better make lunch for the gang too. When the gang got here they all had huge smiles on there faces.

"What's up with you guys?"

"Close your eyes." Pony said ignoring my question.


"Just do it." Johnny said. I looked at him surprised then closed my eyes. Then someone put their hands over my eyes and started pushing me outside. Darry I think.

"Guys what this about?" I asked getting tired of whatever they were doing. Finally they uncovered my eyes but there was nothing there. I turned and looked at them confused and they pointed back in front of me. I turned back around and gasped. Two-Bit. I ran quickly and jumped into his arms.

"Hey Darlin'. Ya miss me?"

"Of course I missed you!" I cried. I pulled away and he kissed me. When he kissed me it felt like time stopped. I haven't felt his lips in over a year. When he was done he slowly pulled away and got on one knee. "What're you doing?" I asked wiping away a couple of tears.

"(Y/n) (Y/l/n). Will you marry me?" He said opening a small box. how did he get that ring.

"Yes. A million times yes!" I smiled and kissed him again. I'm so happy to have Keith Matthews back in my life.

He's gonna marry me.

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