Ponyboy *requested*

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This imagine is for @Grier_My_Mendes. I hope you like it.(:

Being the little sister of Dallas Winston is hard. Being in a relationship with someone in his gang is even harder. Dally thinks I'm just a kid and that Pony will break my heart. Well that's not gonna happen because with what I'm about to tell them. Dally will most likely kill Pony. I walked to the Curtis' extremely nervous. They're all gonna be so angry. I mean I'm just fourteen! I'm not ready for this kind of stuff! Well. I guess I'm gonna have to get ready. I walked into the house and there sat the gang.

"Hey Courtney." A couple of them said. I didn't know what to do so I sorta just blurted out the news.

"I'm Pregnant." The whole gang stopped what they were doing and starred at me.

"Usually when someone says hey you say hi back. Not I'm pregnant." Two-Bit joked trying to ease some of the tension.

"Your what?!" Dallas suddenly yelled. "And you're the father?!" He turned to Pony.

"It's not my fault! We used protection!" He yelled in return.

"Well you shouldn't have been doing anything!" Darry said yelling at Pony as well. "This shouldn't be a problem!"

"Why are you yelling at me she's the one pregnant!" Pony yelled getting angry.

"You're only fourteen Courtney! This isn't something I should have to worry about right now!" Dallas turned his attention towards me.

"It's not like I meant for it to happen!" I had started crying at this point. "Do you think I wanted this to happen?"

"Some girls get pregnant on purpose to make sure a guy doesn't leave them." Soda said. He had been mad this whole time but hadn't been saying anything.

"Are you trying to blame her?!" Dally said taking my side.

"Well it wasn't his fault!" Soda pointed to Pony.

"Maybe if he kept it in his pants this wouldn't be an issue!" Soda and Dally continued arguing. By now I had a huge headache and makeup was running down my face. I looked up and saw Pony come and wrap me in a hug. It seems he's calmed down some.

"It's gonna be okay." He said as he played with my hair a little.

"Will you two shut up!" Darry yelled. "They both did it! How about we try to talk about this and figure out what we're gonna do about it." We all nodded and sat down somewhere in the living room. It was quiet and we all kind of stared at each other for a minute.

"I think you should go stay with grandma until you have the baby." Dally finally spoke up.

"What? No!" I protested.

"Look she's just a few towns over. Pony can come visit when he wants and we don't have to worry about you getting jumped or bullied." He had a desperate look on his face and I knew he was worried. I looked at Pony and he nodded saying it was the best thing to do.

"Alright." We called my grandma and I was over there within a week.

•nine months later•

I was sitting on the couch watching TV when I felt something wet. There's no way going into labour. It's a week early!

**Ponys POV**

I was sitting at the house talking to Johnny when Dallas pulled in and ran into the house. He grabbed me and pulled me out to the car.

"What's going on?" I asked surprised.

"Courtney is having the baby!" He said as he slammed on the gas making the tires screech.

"It's a week early!"

"I know!" We drove quickly to the hospital and ran in. It took a couple hours to get there. "We need to see Courtney Winston."

"You can't go in right now. She's delivering the baby. You'll have to wait until she's done." The nurse said politely. Dally slammed his fist on the counter and flopped down into one of the chairs. I copied his action and sat down beside him. We sat there for what felt like years. Finally they called us back to see her. I walked into to see her with a baby in her arms. She was smiling down at it and there were beads of sweat on her forehead. She looked up and saw and quickly waved us over.

"Say hello to your daughter." She smiled. "Arabella Rose Lynn Curtis."

"She's so small." I smiled. Arabella was staring up at Dallas and I heard him laugh a little.

"She's beautiful Courtney. Just beautiful." Dallas smiled at his little sister and niece. I have a family. Sooner than I had planned. But I couldn't be happier.

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