Darry *requested*

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Requested by @little_lady2002. I hope you like it(:

I sat with my boyfriend, Darry, on the roof of his truck as we stared into the sky. We've been dating for a few months now and it's been the best few months of my life. We've also been keeping it a secret, we want to have it be just us before everyone gets involved. I had my head on his chest as he had his arm wrapped around me.

"I wish this moment would never end." He whispered as he kissed the top of my head. Darry always says I make him feel like a teenager again. He gets to go back to being the carefree kid he should be. He does the opposite to me, he keeps me grounded and helps me think rationally. I guess you could say we're a perfect match.

"Me too." I whispered back. "But you have work in the morning." I sighed.

"C'mon." He groaned as we both sat up and jumped off of the hood. He drive slowly to my house, as always, to drop me off. He would always take the long way no matter where we went. We could've spent all day together and he'd still drive like an old man.

"Thanks Dar, I had a great night." I smiled.

"I'm glad." He smiled in return. He leaned in and gave me a kiss before I got out of the truck. "I love you."

"I love you too." I grinned as I felt the butterflies in my stomach. It's not the first time we've said this before but I get them every time. I walked into my house with the biggest smile on the world.

**Darrys POV**

I watched as Brianna walked into her house. I couldn't help but smile at her as she disappeared behind her front door. I waited until she cut the porch light off to leave. I drive quickly to the house ready to get some sleep before work. When I walked into the house the whole gang was sitting in the living room staring at me. Soda, Pony and Johnny sat with their arms crossed giving me a stern look while the others gave me a small smirk.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Where have you been?!" Soda lectured. "It's nearly one in the morning! What were you thinking!" I never thought I'd be on the other end of this.

"I was..."

"That's right you weren't thinking!" Soda yelled. "And this isn't the first time either!"

"Soda!" I laughed. "Calm down. I was on a date." That got the whole gangs attention. All of a sudden the room was overflowing with questions. They were asking her name and what's she was like and how long we've been seeing each other. "Her name is Brianna and we've been seeing each other for a few months now."

"When can we meet her?" Pony asked.

"My next day off." I replied.

"Oh that's tomorrow." Two said and I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "It was Sodas idea. We thought it'd take a little longer to get it out of you."

"You could call her and let her stay the night.." Dally said. "But I'm just saying."

"You boys are so impatient." I groaned grabbing the phone and calling her.

"Hello?" She replied and I heard water running.

"Hey," I replied. "The guys were wanting to meet you." I slowly trailed off. We haven't talked about telling people yet so I'm nervous.

"Okay." She said happily. "I'll be there after I take a shower."

After about thirty minutes her car pulled into the drive way and the boys all jumped up trying to see her.

"Behave boys." I said staring at them.

**Briannas POV**

I walked into the house and I saw six pairs of eyes staring at me and an amused Darry.

"Hi there." I said with a shy wave. All of a sudden the room was filled with voices and questions. All of them were introducing themselves and asking questions. Once I had them answered and greeted then they seemed to calm down. They're all great people. I wish we had told them earlier.

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