Steve *requested*

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This imagine is for @Stay_Gold_2450. I hope you like it.(:

I'm so excited to be moving back to Tulsa! I really didn't like Ohio. I got bullied a lot for being half black and half while. Plus its to cold. I wonder if anyone will remember me. It's been a really long time.

I sat in the treehouse that me and Steve found in the woods. I was crying my eyes out because my dad said we had to move up north somewhere cause he got a job promotion. I was staring out the window when I heard someone climbing the ladder. Most likely Steve. We're the only ones who ever come up here. It's a nice sized tree house. Looks like it was built for teenagers.

"Hey Izzy." Steve called.

"Hey Stevie." I said quietly.

"What's wrong." He immediately knew something was up.

"I have to move!" I yelled. "Somewhere up north! It's not fair!"

"Hey it'll be all right." Steve said trying to comfort me. "We can still be best friends! And I'll be here when you come back. Here." He said handing me his car key chain. It was just a metal car but he loved it.

"But you love this."

"Now when you come back I'll know it's you."

"Thank you Stevie." I smiled but then heard my dad calling did me so we could leave.

I smiled at the memory as I fiddled with the key chain. I was seven at the time so that was about ten years ago. All of a sudden my dad pulled into a driveway. I hadn't even realized we were here. We got out of the car and quickly unpacked. My dad had got another promotion that brought us back here.

"Hey mom do we have any drinks?"

"No. But I saw a DX not to far from here." I grabbed my car keys and jumped in the car. It needed gas anyways. I walked into the DX paid for my gas and grabbed a coke. The guy behind the counter looked really familiar and he was starin' at me so I guess he recognized me some too. As I walked out my keys fell out of my pocket. The guy picked them up but stopped.

"Izzy?!" There was only one person that ever called me that.

"Steve?!" I smiled. He hugged me and started spinning me around. "Wow you've changed."

"I've changed? Look at you! The tips of you hair are purple!" He laughed.

"Well you have a tattoo!"

"Who you talking to?" A guy came in from the back.

"Soda this is Clara-Isabella but you can call her Clara."

"Hi Soda." I laughed and he smiled and nodded. "When do you get off work?"

"I'll come by as soon as I get off work." He smiled.

**Steves POV**

I can't believe Izzy is back! I'm so happy. She was my absolute best friend when we were kids. I think I'll take her to the tree house after work. The rest of the day went by so slow I thought I'd die before I left. When my shift was finally done I drove to Izzys to get her. I knocked on the door and her father answered. He stared at me for a minute before finally saying something.

"Steve is that you? Wow have you grown." I smiled and hugged him.

"Long time no see." I laughed. He had always been kind of like an uncle to me when I was little. He was best friends with my dad. We talked for a little bit when Izzy came out of her room.

"Oh Steve your here." She smiled.

"Ready to go?" I asked.

"Don't be out to late Clara. I'm making supper tonight." Her mom called to her.

"Okay." She called. After that we jumped into the truck and left. She kept asking where we were going but I told her it was a surprise. I stopped the truck in front of the woods and looked at her. "Is it still there?" She asked excitedly.

"I don't know. Let's go check." We both ran into the woods looking for it not quite remembering where it was.

"Wait up!" She laughed. I grabbed her hand to pull her along but as soon as I grabbed it I felt a spark. I wonder if she felt it too?

**Izzys POV**

Steve grabbed my hand and I felt a spark. Am I falling in love with my childhood friend Steve Randle? Finally we stopped running and we saw the familiar tree house.

"Let's go!" He said.

"Will the ladder hold us?"

"I'll be right here to catch you if you fall." I felt butterflies in my stomach. I slowly started climbing the rope ladder praying it didn't break it something. Once I got to the top I pushed the door open and climbed in.

"Come on Stevie!" I laughed. This is the most fun I've had in a while. After I moved I kind of got depressed because of the bullying. I'm so thankful to have my best friend back. He finally reached the top and we started going through the things we left there. I walked over to the window. "Wow. I never realized how beautiful this view is." I didn't even notice Steve come next to me. I looked over and saw him staring at me.



"I think I'm in love with you." I smiled as he slowly leaned in and we kissed. It was a soft, gentle kiss.

"I just might be in love with you too." I giggled.

"I know you've only been back one day but I was wondering if you'd be my girlfriend?"

"I'd love too." He smiled and took my hand.

"Better get you home. It's right now supper time." This has been the absolute best day of my life. Who would've thought I'd fall in love with my best friend?

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