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I fell asleep on the Curtis' couch cuddled up to Johnny. When I woke up I heard all the gang talking.

"I don't know why they don't go out." I heard Steve say.

"Yeah they'd be super cute together." Soda agreed. I sat up and rolled my eyes. "Oh hey (Y/n). Sleep well?" Soda smirked. I rolled my eyes again. I don't really talk much. I went into the bathroom and brushed my hair.

"Hey.." Pony stuck his head out the shower curtain. "Can you ask where the shampoo is?"

"Yeah." I replied and walked into the living room. "Where's the shampoo at?"

"In the cabinet." Darry walked out of his room. I went back into the bathroom and handed the shampoo to Pony.

"Bout time you woke up." You heard Two laugh. Johnny must've woke up. "You're girlfriend is in the kitchen."

"She's not my girlfriend guys." I heard Johnny mutter and walk into the kitchen. "Sorry about them." He blushed.

"It's alright." I smiled and grabbed a Pepsi. "Want one?" He nodded his head and I threw one to him.

"Where's Dally?"

"Jail again." Darry muttered.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Twelve thirty." Darry looked at his watch.

"I gotta go get ready for work."

"I didn't know you worked Saturday's." Steve stated.

"I don't. I was called in last night." I walked out the door.

**Johnnys' POV**

The gang and I are walking to the lot to play some football. We went ahead and decided teams at the house. It's Darry, Two-Bit, and Pony then Soda, Steve, and me. We were almost done playing and my team was losing quite badly.

"How bout if y'all make the touch down we let you win and if you don't then Johnny has to ask out (Y/n)." Two said. Steve and Soda looked at me.

"You do like her don't you?" Soda asked.

"Yeah but.."

"We'll do it!" Steve interrupted and we got into position. We better get this freaking touchdown. Of course we didn't though.

"You gonna have to ask her out!" Two yelled and laughed.

"And what happens if she says no?" I asked annoyed.

"Shoot kid. She ain't gonna say no." Steve laughed.

"And what makes you think that?" I asked as we walked back to the Curtis'.

"She likes you." Darry replied this time.

"How do you know."

"She doesn't like to be touched yet she fell asleep on the couch with you. She doesn't like to talk but she doesn't shut up around you. She likes you." I didn't reply.

"When ya gonna ask?" Pony asked.

"I guess when she gets back from work." We all sat around the house watching TV waiting for (Y/n). When she finally walked in she went to the kitchen. Most likely to get a Pepsi. All the boys looked at me. I guess I'll do it now.

**Your POV**

I just got back from work. I work at the movie theater. I guess it's not that hard of a job. When I walked in all the boys were watching TV. I went to the kitchen to grab a Pepsi and saw Johnny follow. I absolutely love Johnny. He's my best friend and the sweetest guy I've ever met.

"Hey (Y/n). Can I ask us somethin'?" Johnny asked nervously.

"Of course." I smiled.

"I was wonderin' if you would be my girl." I saw blush rise up to his cheeks. I looked into the living room and saw all the guys looking in.

"Yeah." I smiled. "I'd like that." He smiled and hugged me.

"It's about time!" Steve yelled. I laughed. It is about time.

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