Sodapop part 2 *requested*

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This imagine is for @greasergirl15. I hope you like it.(:

The very next day I got a call from Sodapop to hang out. We've been hanging out a lot lately but he hasn't asked me out. I don't know if it's because he's nervous or if it's because he wants to wait. I know he likes me because Steve told me when I was hanging out with Soda at the DX. I've never seen someone blush so much in my life. I'm actually gonna hang out with him today. I'm gonna teach him how to race. I ran out to my car and quickly drove to his house. When I got there I jumped out of the car and ran into the house. I walked into the house and saw the gang spread out around the living room. I looked around and didn't see Soda anywhere. I saw Pony talking to Darry and decided to ask them.

"Hey little Curtis. Hey big Curtis." I walked over to them. Pony rolled his eyes and Darry smiled. Ponyboy doesn't really like me. Neither does Johnny. I don't know why. "Where's the other Curtis?"

"He's getting dressed." As soon as Darry replied Soda walked out of his room. He hadn't put any grease in his hair yet. He doesn't wear much in it anyways but I'm still gonna bug him about it.

"You have no grease in your hair!" I yelled.

"Oh shut it." Soda said and blushed.

"You look just precious." I said as I played with his hair some. He ignored me and went to the bathroom to grease his hair. I looked over and saw gone with the wind laying on the couch. "Hey Gone With the Wind." I picked it up. "I love this book. Who's is it?"

"Ours." I turned to see Pony and Johnny.

"Oh. Sorry. Here." I smoked politely and gave it to him.

"It's fine." Pony said.

"I didn't know you read." Johnny said. "Most greaser girls barely know how to read."

"Yeah I love reading." I replied. "It's like an escape for me. That and racing."

"Well I've got a ton of books if you want to borrow any." Pony said smiling. Does he like me now?

"Really?" I smiled.

"Yeah. You wanna come look at 'em?" He rose an eyebrow.

"Yeah." I smiled and followed him to his room. We were looking at the books when I heard Soda come out of the bathroom. I walked out with Pony and Johnny discussing the book I was borrowing.

"Ready to go Sara?" Soda smiled when he saw me talking to Pony and Johnny.

"Yeah." I replied. "I'll see you guys later." I waved to Johnny and Pony then the rest of the gang.

"So where do you wanna go for lunch?" Soda asked as we jumped in my car. He almost always drives when we're together. We ended up going to Dairy Queen then the race track.

"Okay so you know the basics of racing right?" I asked. He nodded his head yes and then I started explaining to him the other things involved with racing. "So I'm gonna go a lap and watch what I do."

"Okay." He said. Before he could say anything else I slammed on the gas. Within a few minutes we were going eighty. I looked over and saw Soda looking at me shocked. I laughed and continued to speed up. When I finished the lap I slowed to a stop and looked over at him.

"How'd you like it?" I smiled.

"Woah." I laughed.

"You wanna try now?" We switched seats and I reminded him of everything to do. He slammed on the gas and did everything I had told him to do he drove a few laps before finally stopping.

"I can see why you like this so much." He smiled. By now it was getting dark and we were just hanging out in the car. We had turned to where we were facing each other and we're just talking. Soon we had both stopped and were staring at each other in silence. Not an awkward silence but a peaceful one. He started leaning in. I didn't realize it but so was I. When we finally kissed it was very passionate. He had layed me down on the seat and we were making out. I reached for his shirt but he stopped me. "We shouldn't do this here."

"My parents aren't home." I smiled. He grinned and we quickly drove to my house. When we got inside we immediately continued what we were doing. This is gonna be a fun night.

**Sodapops POV**

I woke up and realized I wasn't at home. Then I remembered the events of last night and smiled. I turned over and saw Sara peacefully sleeping. I kissed her nose and she slowly woke up. She blinked a couple times and smiled.

"Hey." She said quietly.

"Hey." I replied.

"So what are we?" She asked.

"Dating?" It was more of a question than a statement.

"Yeah." She smiled. "I'd like that."

We were laying there talking for I don't know how long when there was a knock on her door. She got up and threw on a baggy shirt and pair of shorts. I put a pair of jeans on when suddenly Steve ran in.

"I knew this is where you would be!" Sara and Izzy ran in. Izzy grabbed his arm and Sara was madly blushing.

"I told you not to do this Steve." Izzy lectured.

"Sorry." Steve apologized but didn't really care. "I told Darry you stayed the night at my house last night."

"Thanks." I smiled and put a shirt on. For the rest of the day Sara and I just hung out at her house and watched movies. I've never been happier.

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