Steve *requested*

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This one is for @MallorieB. I hope you like it(:

I walked into the garage at the DX to see Steve with his head under the hood of a car while mumbling angrily.

"Having trouble babe?" I asked as he looked up at me. I laughed as he had grease all over his face.

"I can't find out what's wrong with this damn car!" He yelled.

"How about you take your lunch break and it'll give you time to think." I suggested with a smile.

"Alright." He agreed and signed out for his break. We decided on the Dingo for some burgers and milkshakes. "I mean it won't crank at all! I've tried everything!" I then rambled on about everything it could be while he stared at me in shock.

"What?" I asked while eating a fry.

"How do you know all that?" He asked.

"It's just common knowledge. Anyone who's a mechanic knows it." I shrugged. "Well any mechanic that went to school for it."

"How do you know more about cars then me?" He asked loudly.

"Why are you getting so defensive?" I asked as he paid and followed him back outside. "It's not that big of a deal!"

"Yes it is! I'm the one who knows cars!" He rolled his eyes.

"Are we really gonna fight about this?" I groaned. "They're just cars!"

"Whatever. I have to go to work." He muttered. "Bye Mal."

"Bye." I said coldly walking past him. Ugh he's such a drama queen.

**Steves POV**

I walked back to the garage annoyed.

"What's your problem?" Soda asked.

"Mallorie knows more about cars than me." I grumbled.

"Really?" Soda laughed. I glared at him causing him to stop. "Actually that makes since. She comes from an entire family of mechanics. Good ones too."

"She does?" We haven't been dating long and I was surprised to learn this.

"Yeah. We were talking about it the other day."

**Mallories POV**

It was around eight o'clock when I heard knock on the door. I immediately shot up to answer it hoping it was Steve. I smiled when I opened the door to see him.

"I'm sorry." He said with a small smile.

"It's okay." I said.

"It's just I'm not very smart and cars are the one thing I know. I guess I just felt threatened." He admitted.

"Okay." I smiled. "Come in. I just made supper." He smiled and accepted my offer walking into the house. I'm glad that's over.

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