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I sat in my English class picking the nail polish off my nails while impatiently waiting for the class to end. We had just finished reading 'Les Misérables'.

"Is everyone finished reading?" My teacher, Mr. Lemmings, asked as we all nodded in response. "Good. I can go ahead and give you your partners for your project." Everyone groaned and he rolled his eyes. He started calling people's and in the midst of this I heard my name. "(Y/n) and Keith." He called causing me to groan and a long 'no' to leave Two-Bits mouth.

"Can I please be with someone else?" I asked him causing him to laugh.

"I put you two together for a reason." He said shaking his head.

"What reason would that be?" Two asked sarcastically.

"You'll find out soon." He laughed and then continued to his list. Two-Bit and I are nearly polar opposites. I'm in the middle class and more of a good girl. I always do what I'm told and always get my work done. He's a greaser and seems to like getting in trouble. The only thing we have in common is our sense of humor. Plus I don't have good experiences with greasers.

"You will need to meet outside of school with your partner to do your project. You will have to explain the character growth of Jean Valjean and the stages he went through." Mr. Lemmings said as the bell rang. "Due Monday! Have a good weekend!"

"Your house or mine." Two-Bit muttered as he walked up beside me in the hallway.

"I don't care." I said back. "I have to run to the store to get stuff for the project first."

"Fine. We'll go to my place." He said. "Come on I'll drive you." I scrunched up my nose and stood in my place. "Well, come on." I sighed and slowly followed him outside of the school and to his car. We went to the store and the stopped at the DX so we could get drinks and he could talk to a friend.

"Hey, Two. Who's the girl?" An attractive greaser behind the counter said with a wink.

"I'm (Y/n)." I answered as I looked around.

"We're just working on a project, Soda." Two groaned.

"This is (Y/n)?!" Soda yelled, causing me to snap my head in their direction. His face then turned red. "Sorry." He said with a breathy laugh. After getting a couple of Cokes we went back to his house. We worked in silence until I finally spoke up.

"So you talk about me to your friends?" I asked as I was leaned over the poster board.

"Why don't you like greasers?" He asked in return. "You know nothing about us."

"Don't answer my question with a question." I said as I sat down to look at him.

"Fine. I do." He said and a smirk grew on my face. "Now answer my question."

"My ex was a greaser." I replied, my tone emotionless.

"And you're comparing us all to him?" He asked angrily.

"I've never met a greaser that was able to change my mind." I said in return when I saw a small smile on his face.

"I bet I can." He whispered as he moved closer to me.

"I bet not." I challenged and he cocked an eyebrow. I had to bite my lip to keep from smiling. Suddenly he moved his hand to my neck and slowly started to lean closer to me. My eyes wandered down to his lips, when finally I felt them reach mine. I leaned back onto the couch and he hovered over me as he deepened the kiss. We continued like this for about five minutes, only stopping to breathe.

"Keith!" A little girls voice called from the front door causing him to jump off me and me to sit up and try to fix my hair.

"Hey, little sis." He said as she ran into the living room. She stopped as soon as she saw me though.

"Who's this?" She asked quietly. I opened my mouth to answer but was quickly interrupted.

"This is (Y/n), you might be seeing a little more of her." He said with a wink towards me. When his sister went to get room he sat by me on the couch. "How was that for changing your mind?" He asked, a smirk on his face.

"I don't know, I might need a little more convincing." I winked as I stood up. "I better get home. See ya tomorrow."

**Two-Bits POV**

I watched (Y/n) leave with a smile etched on my face. I think I know the reason Mr. Lemmings put us together.

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