Johnny *requested*

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Requested by @CheapDimeStoreHood. I hope you like it.

"Wanna go hang out with the gang today?" Johnny, my boyfriend, asked me as we watched TV in my living room.

"I'd rather not." I sighed laying my head on his shoulder.

"C'mon babe." He said as he pulled me off the couch. "They'll like ya, they just gotta get used to ya. Please?" He asked with his big brown eyes staring into my light brown ones.

"Fine." I groaned. "Let me brush my hair first." He smiled triumphantly as I ran up the stairs. When I got done I saw him waiting at the door for me.

"Ready M'lady?" He asked in a terrible English accent

"Of course, Sir." I said in return while curtsying. We laughed as we walked out the door arm in arm. I've met the gang a bunch and they don't like me. I don't know why not. Johnny keeps saying they need to get used to me, but we've been dating six months an ad they still hate me. I internally groaned as the Curtis house came into view. I started walking slower and dragging my feet. Johnny rolled his eyes as he dragged me down the sidewalk. When we walked into the house all of the gang was sitting in the living room watching TV. It's really hard dating Johnny when he spends so much time with is friends and they hate you.

"Johnnycake!" Dallas yelled. "Thanks for bailing me outta jail the other day, you really didn't need to." Then he looked over and saw me. "Mya." He greeted with no emotion. Dallas tolerates me the most. I think it's because he knows how much Johnny likes me.

"Hey, Dallas." I replied with a polite smile. I went to sit beside Johnny on the couch but Steve jumped over the back into the seat.

"I'm sitting here." I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from saying anything and rolled my eyes.

"It's fine." Johnny said. "You can sit in my lap babe." He pulled me down immediately wrapping his arms around my waist. Steve and Soda, who were beside us, glared at me. I smiled in triumph and leaned into Johnny's side. As we sat there Johnny kept whispering things into my ear. Some were corny jokes while others were compliments.

"You have the most beautiful curly, brown hair." He whispered and I felt cheeks warm up as I smile.

"Will you two be quiet?" Two-Bit complained. "I'm trying to watch this."

"It's a commercial break." I rolled my eyes.

"Well maybe I like commercials." He said and I decided I was done arguing with him.

"I gotta go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." As soon as he left I knew all the boys would start on me.

"Why are even still dating him?" Pony asked.

"Yeah, he doesn't even like you. I'm surprised it's gone on this long." Soda added on.

"Boys." Darry warned. He pretty much ignored me.

"No, she needs to hear it." Steve says.

"Nobody here likes you. Why do you keep coming with him?" Two-Bit asked. All the boys were in on this except Darry and Dally, who was standing by the door smoking.

"Well why doesn't anyone here like me?" I asked loudly, not caring if Johnny hears. Nobody answered but they all gave each other knowing looks. "Y'know what. I can't do this anymore." The boys looked confused as I stood up grabbing my stuff with tears falling down my face. "I can't date him knowing the most important people in his life hate me. Tell him I'm sorry." And with that I ran out the door.

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