Johnny *requested*

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This is for @DJ_MALIK1. I hope you like it.

I heard the loud shrill of my phone ring, I looked at the clock to see it was nearly three in the morning. Who would be calling me this late?

"Hello?" I mumbled into the phone while rubbing my eyes.


"Johnny? Why're you calling me this late?" I asked confused.

"I just really need to see you right now." He said with a shaky voice. His parents must've beat him again.

"Alright." I said getting out of bed. "Meet at the lot?"

"I can't get out of the house right now without my parents noticing."

"Okay, unlock your window. I'll be there in five." I replied. "I love you."

"Love you too." After he hung up I threw on the closest clothes to me before grabbing my car keys and running out of the house. Once I got to his house I quietly crawled through his open window. I saw Johnny on the bed with his head in his hands and his back faved towards me.

"Johnny?" I asked quietly walking towards him. "Are you okay?" Instead of answering he looked up at me with a bruised face and tears falling out of his eyes. "Oh god." Is all I could say before I started sobbing.

"It's not that bad." He said as he tried to stand up but fell back down on the bed.

"Not that bad?!" I nearly screamed. "You can barely stand! Come on, we're getting out of here." I said helping him up and walking towards the window.

"W-w-where are you t-taking me?" He stuttered out.

"Either my house or the Curtis'." I replied.

"No." He groaned. "Just take me to the lot."

As I got him out of the window and saw him get to thee car I went to grab some stuff for him but his bedroom door opened.

"Who're you?" His dad slurred.

"Nobody." I said standing in front of the window.

"Oh your Johnny's little whore aren't ya?" He chuckled.

"I'm his girlfriend." I gritted my teeth together.

"Same difference." He rolled his eyes. "The kids gonna be dead in two years. I bet you a million dollars he'll kill himself."

"I won't let him." I said as tears fell down my face. He went to speak again but interrupted. "You're just an old drunk who knows nothing about his amazing son! I hope you go to hell!" I obviously shocked him because he immediately shut up. Instead of waiting for a reply I jumped out the window and ran to the car.

"You're living with me now." I stated.

"Babe." Johnny groaned.

"I'm not arguing with you about this!" I yelled with tears streaming down my face. "I'm tired of worrying about they're gonna do to you next! My parents love you. They won't mind."

"Babe, I know you don't have the money since your mom got fired. I can stay with Two-Bit or Pony." He said while holding my hand. "Don't worry. I'm not going back."

He ended up staying Two-Bit, and he never went back. It's two years later now and he's got a good job and I'm going to college. We're finally living together as well.

I was in the grocery store when I saw a man staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You're that girl the took my son." He muttered.

"I am." I smirked. "And I think you owe me a million bucks."

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