Two-Bit *requested*

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This was requested by @LaurenBlurton. I hope you like it(:

"Guess what day it is?!" I heard my boyfriend Two-Bit scream in my ear waking me up. I groaned and looked at the clock to see it was 1 in the morning.

"My birthday." I mumbled with a smile growing on my face. I can't believe he remembered.

"Happy Birthday Baby!" He yelled wrapping me in a tight hug. I laughed and cuddled into his chest.

"Thanks Babe." I said. "But I'm going back to sleep." He laughed and agreed.

I woke again at 8 to Two-Bit dragging me out of bed.

"Get up! We have a lot to do today!" He yelled.

"I thought we were just having dinner at the Curtis'." I said tiredly as he threw me some clothes.

"We are but we can't go just yet." I sighed and put my clothes on and followed him out the door. We went to breakfast, shopping, lunch, just saw a movie, and now we're heading to the Curtis'. As we're about to enter the house Dally came out and stopped us.

"You can't come in yet." He smiled.

"Fine." I sighed. We sat outside talking for about 5 minutes when Darry yelled and said we could come him. I walked in to see a giant present in the middle of the living room. "What's this?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Open it." Johnny smiled.

"Alright." I said cautiously while walking over to the box. I tore off the rapping paper and slowly opened the box to see my older brother, Ben,whose been in Iraq for four years. "Ben!" I screamed and immediately wrapped my arms around him as he spun me around. "What're you doing here?!"

"They let me come home!" He yelled. The rest of the night was going amazing. I got great presents from all the guys and got my brother back.

**Two-Bits POV**

"Can I speak to you outside for a moment?" I ask Ben.

"Yeah." He replied and followed me onto the porch. "What's up?"

"I just want you to know I absolutely love your sister with all my heart and I would like your permission to ask her to marry me." I asked nervously. Ben stared at me for a moment before smiling.

"You're a great guy. Lauren is lucky to have you, you'd get my permission any day." He replied.

"Thanks man." I grinned.

"No problem." He smiled.

It was the end of the night and I saw Ben give me an encouraging look and I nervously smiled back to him.

"I have one more present." I announced and Lauren smiled at me as I walked up to her. I got down on one knee and her mouth fell open.

"Are you doing what I think you're doing." She said in almost a whisper.

"I love so much that it hurts, and I can't even imagine how awful life would be with out you. So to ensure that we're together forever I ask you to marry me." All of the guys were smiling and Lauren had tears running down her face as she smiled at me.

"Yes!" She yelled. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" I smiled wider than I ever have before and kissed her. Everything is finally coming together.

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