Sodapop *requested*

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This one is for @victoriapim. I hope you like it.

"Victoria!" I heard my father yell from downstairs.

"Yes?" I asked as skipped down the stairs to seem him at his desk.

"I've got a meeting today and I still have a load of paperwork to do. Can you take my car and put some gas in it?" He asked with a stressed look.

"I guess." I groaned, grabbing the keys off the desk.

"And take it to the DX. The gas is cheaper." He said causing me to stop in my tracks.

"Daddy that's on the greaser side of town." I said nervously. I don't have anything against them, I've just never met them. Stereotypes are the only thing I've got to go by.

"Yes it is." He looked up at me. "You'll be fine. They're nice people." He said with a reassuring smile. I just nodded in response and got into the car. I guess I should believe my dad. Since he's a social worker he's always over there. I nervously drove to the DX. Once I finally got there I parked by a pump and slowly walked into the station. There were three girls talking to the guy at the counter and I immediately felt self conscious. I had my hair in a neat ponytail and I was wear a baby blue sundress and white sandals. All of the girls turned and glared at me.

"Hey, I'm Sodapop. How may I help you?" The guy asked with a wide smile on his face.

"Umm twenty on pump three." I shyly handed him the money.

"Okay. I'll get Steve to pump it for ya." He said with a grin.

"Thank you." I said with a small grin. The other three girls ignored me and tried to step in front of Sodapop. He rolled his eyes and stepped around the counter to continue talking. Causing me to smile.

"So what's a pretty girl like you doin' on this side of town." He winked.

"My dad wanted me to come get some gas." I answered with a shade of pink on my face.

"I never got your name." He said curiously.

"It's Victoria." I replied happily.

"Well, Victoria, I think we should go on a date sometime. Don't you think?" He asked hopefully.

"I think that's a terrific idea." I smiled and grabbed his arm. "Here is my number. You better call me." I laughed.

"Oh don't worry." He smiled at his arms. "I definitely am going to call you.

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