Sodapop *requested*

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This imagine is for @greasergirl15. I hope you like it.(:

Right now I'm getting ready for a drag race. Most girls go with their boyfriends even though the don't wanna go. Not me. I'm actually racing and don't think that I'm bad just because I'm a girl. I'm actually very good at this. I'm definitely different from other girls. My hair is black with red tips. I also have snake bites and 3 piercings on the lower half of my ear. I don't really care what other people think about my piercings though. I love them and that's what matters.

"Sara!" I turned around and saw my friend Izzy running towards me and two guys following. One of them is probably her boyfriend Steve. I don't know who the other is though.

"Izzy!" I yelled in return. I looked back and saw the boys laughing. "So who's the lucky guy?"

"That would be my Steve." She pointed to a muscular guy with a bird tattoo.

"And who's the other good looking guy?" The guy blushed a little and Steve laughed.

"That'd be Steves best friend Sodapop." She laughed.

"Well hello Sodapop. I'm Sara." I smiled.

"Hey." He smiled in return. I wish my smile was like that! His teeth are freaking perfect! We were talking about some random stuff when Izzy spoke up.

"I see a friend over there I'm gonna go talk to her." She said dragging Steve behind her.

"Okay. See ya later." I replied and continued talking to Sodapop. I went to crank my car but it didn't even make a sound. "What is wrong with my car?!"

"Here. Let me take a look." Soda said and popped the hood. I quickly got out of the car and stood next to him.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked referring to my car. I know a lot about cars but fixing them? It's just something I could never do.

"It looks like somebody rigged it." He said doing a few things under the hood.

"Is it fixable?" I asked hopeful. I really don't wanna drop out of the race.

"Yeah. I should have it done in a few minutes." He smiled.

"Yes! You are my hero!" I exclaimed and kissed his cheek. He laughed and continued to fix my car. It only took a few minutes like he said. When he was done I jumped in my car and cranked it immediately. She sounded perfect. "Yes!" I yelled and hugged Soda. After that I had to get ready for the race.

**Sodapops POV**

I found Steve and Izzy and we got to where we could watch the race.

"Is Sara good?" Steve asked Izzy.

"Uh yeah!" Izzy said as if it were obvious. "She wins a lot."

"I figured. Somebody rigged her car. Luckily I got it fixed before she had to go out there." I said.

"Somebody rigged her car?!" Izzy yelled.

"Yeah. They just made it to where it wouldn't crank." I shrugged. Right as I said that the race had started and the cars flew by. We watched in anticipation to see if Sara won. As she was coming up to the finish line somebody tried to ram into her but missed completely causing them to come in third. Sara won and jumped out of her car smiling. She ran over to us.

"You did it!" Izzy yelled.

"I know." She yelled in return. "And I wouldn't have is he didn't fix my car!" She pointed at me.

"It was nothin'." I shrugged.

"It was definitely somethin'!" She smiled and hugged me. This girl is absolutely adorable. Sara got all her things and we started to leave.

"We should hang out some more." I said walking beside Sara.

"Definitely!" She smiled. "Get my number from Izzy and call me sometime."

"I'll do that." I smiled watching her go back to her car to leave.

I gotta go get her number from Izzy!

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