Sodapop *requested*

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This imagine is for @outsiders12A. I hope you like it.(:

I'm walking over to Sodas house to hang out. I just got done at work so it's around supper time. I really hate walking alone so I'm walking as fast as I can. All of a sudden I heard an engine rev behind me. I turned around and saw a red mustang with about four or five socs in it. I looked at kind and realized I wasn't that far from the Curtis'.

"Hey Grease!" The socs got out of the car and started walking towards me. I was trying to decide if I could out run them. I decided to go ahead and try. I'd get jumped either way. I quickly turned around and ran.

"Get her!" One of the Socs yelled. They were quickly catching up to me and one of them tackled me to the ground. "You shouldn't of done that!"

"Please let me go! I didn't do any thing to you!" I begged.

"Sorry. No can do." One of the Socs laughed. Two of the Socs held down my arms while another held down my legs. The one who seemed to be the leader of the group sat with his legs on each side of me. He pulled out a switch and pressed it to my cheek. "Maybe next time you won't run."

"Please." I cried. "Let me go." Tears were now streaming down my face no doubt making my makeup run. The Soc laughed and pressed the blade down and cut from the side of my eye down to my cheek causing me to cry out in pain.

"Shut her up!" The Soc said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. One of the other Socs quickly shoved a rag into my mouth. The main Soc then repeatedly punched me in the face. Right before I was knocked out I heard Soda and the gang yelling at the Socs.

**Sodapops POV**

I'm sitting at the house waiting for Kaitlyn to come by and hang out. It's taking her longer than usual. I guess she got caught up at work. As I was sitting thinking about it we heard a scream. We all looked at each other and ran out of the house praying it wasn't Kaitlyn. I finally found where it was happening and saw them beating the shit out of her.

"Get off of her!" I yelled angrily. The Socs looked at us then quickly got in their car and drove off laughing. I ran up and kneeled by her lifeless body. She was knocked out cold. There was blood matting in her dirty blonde hair and there was makeup running down her face. "We gotta get her home." I cried. "Clean her up." I picked her up and started walking back towards the house. When we got back I took her to the bathroom and started cleaning her cuts and bruises. About halfway through she slowly opened her eyes. They weren't the bright blue, green gray color. They were just gray and filled with fear.

"Soda?" She asked.

"It's me honey. You're alright now." I had got done cleaning her face and went to the bruises on her stomach.

"What're you doing?"

"Cleaning you up."

"I don't remember getting hit in the stomach." She said confused. I gave her look of pity. "Can I take a shower?" She asked after running her hand through her hair.

"Yeah. You need help getting in and stuff?" She nodded and I helped her out of her clothes as she held onto me for support. As she was in the shower I grabbed her a shirt of mine and a pair of Ponys sweats to put on.

"How's she doin'?" Darry asked.

"She's in the shower right now." I replied going in there to set the clothes down.

**Kaitlyns POV**

I got out of the shower and saw some clean clothes on the counter. I walked over to grab them and looked into the mirror. I saw a long scar running down the side of my face. I got dressed and walked out of the bathroom.

"How ya feeling." Soda jumped up as I walked into the living room.

"I'm ugly." I whispered and hugged him.

"Nothing could ever make you ugly." Soda said. "If anything you make that scar beautiful."

"I love you." I smiled at him.

"I love you too." He smiled in return. "They will never touch you again." He wrapped his arms around me and I felt safe knowing he would protect me.

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