Two-Bit **requested**

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This is for @TheOutsiders17. I hope you like it.

"Sydnee." Two-Bit sighed, at the moment I'm giving him the silent treatment. He forgot our anniversary! How could he forget that? We've been dating for two years now! "At least tell me why you're mad!"

"Have you seriously not figured it out yet?" I asked throwing my magazine on the table in front of me. All the guys have quietly been watching our fight. The sad thing is that Johnny has already figured it out!

"I don't understand why you're making such a big deal out of this! It's probably not even that important!" Two-Bit yelled at me.

"Two-Bit. You're such an idiot." Dallas groaned walking over to him and grabbing his face. "Look at the date!" He yelled. As this was happening I took it upon myself to get my stuff and leave. He will remember and count down the days a party or a new episode of Mickey, but an anniversary is to much! Then I heard him yell as I got to the sidewalk.

"I did this last year! Why am I so stupid!" The he came running out the door following me down the sidewalk. "Babe, I'm so sorry! I can't believe I forgot again!"

"Yeah, no. Don't talk to me. I'm extremely mad right now." I sighed as I walked away.

"I'm picking you up at eight!" He yelled as I walk away.

"As long as you don't forget." I rolled my eyes.

**Two-Bits POV**

"Guys!" I yelled running back into the house. "You gotta help me set up a perfect date for Sydnee!"

"Umm no. Maybe if she breaks up with you for this she'll give me a shot." Dallas smirked. Both Dally and I liked Sydnee at the same time, obviously Sydnee chose me but she didn't know Dally liked her.

"That's not gonna happen. There's a reason she chose me." I replied getting angry. "We're in love and nothing will change that."

"I always get what I want." Dally smirked. "And I know just as much about her as you do."

"Oh really?" I questioned. "Have you noticed the twinkle she gets in her light blue eyes when she talks about something she loves? Or what about.."

"You don't have to continue." Dally interrupted. "She'd never leave you anyway."

"He's right. I love you to much." I turned around seeing Sydnee standing in the door away, and I couldn't help the smile that grew on my face when I saw that twinkle in her eye.

"Babe!" I ran over picking her up into a hug. "You have no idea how much I love you!"

"I think I do." She whispered into my ear and kissing my cheek. "I think I do."

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