Sodapop *requested*

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This was requested by @thesevengreasers. I hope you like it(:

I smiled at Sodapop as I slowly closed the door behind me and waited for him to drive away. The moment I knew he was out of sight I pressed ny back to the door and let out a loud groan. Sodapop Curtis asked me on a date and I completely screwed it up.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid." I muttered as I lightly hit my head on the door with each word. "Why would I do that?" I then ran to the phone needing to talk to my best friend.

"Hello?" I heard her say chirpily into the phone as she answered.

"I messed up." I groaned into the phone as I flipped back into the recliner.

"On your date with Sodapop?!" She screamed into the phone. "Tell me everything, Megan!"

"It started out awkward, well I was awkward, he wasn't. He did all of the talking and then he asked if I had any hobbies." I rambled.

"What's so bad about that?" She asked.

"I answered with a mouthful of food and went, 'Uhh sports?' As if I were asking him! And then when he asked what sports I was like, 'Just sports.'" I screamed into the phone.

"Well, it couldn't of gotten worst." She said optimistically.

"Oh, it did." I assured. "When I went to get into the truck to leave my pants ripped from my knee all the way to the crotch!" I yelled while bring my hand to my face. I stared at the giant hole and scolded myself ripping one of my favorite pairs of jeans

"Maybe he'll give you another chance." She told me hopefully.

"Yeah, not happening." I scoffed.

"I'm sorry." She said sympathetically.

"It's alright." I told her. "I'm gonna go, I'll call you tomorrow." We said our goodbyes and I hung up the phone. I jumped in the shower and then into bed, hoping to forget the horrible date.

The next morning I woke to the loud shrill of my phone in the living room. I angrily stomped into the living to see who had the nerve to call me this early.

"Who awakes me from my slumber?" I said, thinking it was my mom who is very much a morning person unlike myself.

"Umm, is this Megan?" I heard the voice of the one and only Sodapop Curtis. Once I realized who was talking to me I cringed and started to curse myself for sounding like an idiot.

"Yes." I squeaked.

"Sorry I woke you." He laughed. "I had to call before going into work. I have the morning shift."

"It's alright." I told him, trying to sound cheery at this ungodly hour.

"I was just calling to see if you wanted to go out again today." He said hopefully and a smile grew in my face. "I thought maybe we could go for a picnic and then play one of those sports your a fan of." He said with a laugh. I cringed at the memory before responding.

"Yeah, I'd really like that." I chuckled.

"Okay!" He said enthusiastically unto the phone. "I'll let you get back to sleep then!"

"Okay, I'll meet you at the DX when you get off." I told him.

"Alright, bye." I could hear the smile in his voice. I dropped the phone into the recliner beside it and processed what he just told me. I realized what had happened.

"He likes me." I whispered to myself. "Oh my goodness, he actually likes me!" My whisper turned into a scream. I can't believe he wanted to go on another date with me.

Sodas POV

I smiled when I heard her scream as I was about to hang up the phone. She must've not gotten the phone on its holder. I finally put the phone down, making sure it ended the call.

"I thought you said the date wasn't too great and that she was really shy." Pony said as he saw that I was done talking to her. "Why did you ask her on another date?"

"At the end of the date she was coming out of her shell. Plus she was different. She's not like any of the other girls I've met."

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