Darry *requested*

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This was requested by lukrlover2. I hope you like it.

I woke up to Darry kissing me all over my face and smiled as I realized what today is. I opened my eyes and saw a smiling Darrel Curtis in front of me.

"Are you ready to become Rebecca Curtis?" He asked quietly. I screamed in excitement and tackled him into a hug. Apparently the scream grabbed the attention of his brothers cause soon they were barging into the room and joining the hug on the bed. Before Darry and I could talk anymore I was being pulled out of the bed and having clothed thrown at me.

"You have to start getting ready, Rebecca!" Sodapop called out. "C'mon! I'll drive you to your best friends house!"

"Love you, Babe!" I called out quickly as Soda literally dragged me out of the house. Once I got my to best friends house we started making sure everything was prepared. We called the brides maids and made sure they had all their dresses and knew what time to meet up, called the location to make sure everything was set up, and did anything and everything that had to do with the word wedding.

"It's time to start getting ready!" (Y/b/f/n) called to me as she grabbed my dress and pulled over the make-up and hair utensils she would need. Finally, after an hour and a half (with snack breaks), my hair and make-up was done. All that was left was to put on the dress. I looked around the room and saw my close family and all of the bridesmaids running around doing last minute tasks. My mother walked over to me with dress in hand.

"Do you need help getting it on?" She asked, with a smile on her face and tears sitting in her eyes.

"I may need help securing it." I replied. I went into the bedroom and pulled the dress on and then went to my mother so she could tighten the back of it.

"You look beautiful, Darling." My mother smiled widely as she held my hands out in front of her.

"Thank you." I blushed. Once everyone was ready we went to the giant church that the wedding would be held in. I hid I'm the back room, so I wouldn't be seen, and watched as everyone flooded into the curch. I saw a lot of my friends with their husband and some with kids, but this time it was them attending my wedding. Not the other way around.

I felt myself slowly becoming more and more nervous as more people entered the building. I didn't know we even knew this much people! My friends tried calming me down but it judt wasn't working. I started pacing the back room when finally I heard a voice.

"Babe," It's Darry,  "I'm not coming in I just wanted to talk to you."

"I'm kind if scared." I admitted through the door.

"I am too." He chuckled. "Don't worry though, we probably won't see over half of these people anytime soon after the wedding." He reassured me. "It'll just be me and you up there. Just ignore the people watchin'."

"I knew there was a reason I chose to be with you." I smiled and rested my forehead against the doors. The next thing I heard was the gang dragging him away from the door while telling him it was about to start. Everyone got into their positions and started to wait for the music to play. My father locked arms with me and smiled down at me.

"Always a bridesmaid, finally the bride." He grinned. I wrapped my arms around him and soon we were walking forwards. Darry cried the moment I walked in. Once I reached him he stared and seemed to be speechless.

"To answer your question from this morning, I've been ready since the day you asked me to marry you."

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