Two-Bit *requested*

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I can't find the comment that requested this so idk who it is, but I hope you like it(:

"Minnie, it's time to wake up." I heard Two-Bit say as he nudged me. My brother, Dally, had a girl over last night so I came and stayed with Two like I usually do when he has a girl over. Two and I have been dating a year now, but we haven't told Dally yet.

"But I don't wanna." I groaned pulling the covers over my head.

"Minnie." Two whined.

"Mickey." I whined in return. He looked at me with puppy eyes. "Fine. Just let me get dressed." He gave me a wide smile as he jumped up leaving his room. I quickly jumped out of bed and threw on a simple t-shirt and a pair of jeans. I walked into the living room and two quickly jumped up wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"To the Curtis', M'Lady?" He asked with a posh voice.

"Of course my good sir." I laughed. As we walked down the street I decided to bring up a touchy subject with Two. "I think we should tell Dally we're dating."

"Shoot." Two sighed. "He's skin me and you know it."

"Well it's better he find out from us than on accident." I pointed out.

"I just think we should wait a little longer." He said looking down at me.

"But we will tell him?" I asked and he nodded in response. "But not too much longer." We talking and laughing as we walked into the Curtis house causing all of the boys to turn and greet us.

"Hey, Sweetheart." Soda and Steve came up to me with sickly sweet smiles. "We're out of cookies."

"What do you want me to do about it?" I asked with a smirk.

"Well we were hoping you could make some more." Pony popped in with a hopeful smile.

"Do you have the stuff?" I sighed in defeat. All of the boys cheered and pushed me into the kitchen where they already had everything sitting on the counter.

"Can I help?" Two asked with a sly grin.

"Depends, are you gonna eat the cookie dough?" I asked with an eyebrow raised. Against my protests for his help he stayed anyway, and as you can guess he's eating the cookie dough. As I slid the pan into the oven I turned to see two right in front of me. "Wachya doin' Mickey?" I laughed.

"This." He smiled as he leaned in and started kissing me. I smiled into the kiss as I wrapped my arms around his neck. In the middle of all this we were pulled apart by the sound of my brothers voice.

"Hey, lil sis can.." His voice faded away when he saw Two quickly moving away from me. "What's goin' on in here?"

"Dal.." I started but was quickly interrupted.

"We're you kissing my little sister?" Dally yelled at Two-Bit. "I'm gonna beat the tar outta you!" He jumped to start punching him but I quickly jumped in between them. "Get outta the way." He said with his jaw clenched.

"No Dal!" I said. "Y'all are friends! It shouldn't be a big deal that we're dating."

"Dating?" Dally asked. "How long?"

"A year." Two answered quietly.

"A year?" Dally yelled. "And no one thought to tell me?"

"I wanted to." I explained. "We just knew you would react this way." Dal just shook his head and looked at me as if he couldn't believe I didn't tell him. "But now that you know can you please support me?"

"Of course." He said quietly. "No matter how mad you make me you're my little sister." He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug.

"That was so sweet!" Two said with a smile.

"I will punch you in the face." Dally glared at him. I laughed as Two said he'd wait for me in the living room. It's nice to know I have a supportive brother and an amazing boyfriend.

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