Dallas *requested*

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This was requested by @peace0714. I hope you like it.

**Dallas' POV**

It's around midnight right now and I'm just walking around town looking for a little bit of trouble. Not like I have anything better to do. I was walking by an alley when I heard a girl yelling at someone, I decided to see what's going on. Once I got into the alley I saw a greaser girl pushing a soc against the wall with his arm behind his back.

"Now you're going to leave him alone." The girl said onto his ear. "Do you understand?"

"Yes!" He yelled. "I understand! Please let me go!" He then looked over and saw me. "Seriously?! You're going to have Dallas Winston beat me up too?!" The girl looked over at me and rolled her eyes.

"No." She let go of his arm but grabbed the back of his shirt as he went to run off. "If it happens again you're done for." She said quietly. He nodded his head with a gulp and ran out of the alley.

"That was pretty impressive, Baby." I said lighting up a cigarette and leaning against the wall.

"My name is not 'baby'." She rolled her eyes.

"Then what is it?" I asked.

"Irini." She replied. "Now get out of my way so I can leave." She said trying to walk past me in the narrow alley way.

"I'm Dallas." I said ignoring her command.

"I know and I don't care." She said pushing past me. I quickly got in step beside her and walked with her.

"You should come to the Dingo with me." I said slinging an arm over her shoulder.

"You should shut up and leave." He replied with a sarcastic smile and got in her car. "See you around, Winston."

"I will get you to go out with me!" I yelled as she drove away. She didn't reply but threw hand out the window and flicked me off. I'll make this girl mine no matter what it takes.

**Irinis POV**
••2 years later••

I woke up to the sun shining in my fave and rolled over. I smiled as I saw Dallas' sleeping face beside me. We've been dating for nearly a year and a half now. I never expected this when we met in that alley. I was beating some soc up for picking on my little brother and Dally just appeared out of no where. I still don't know what he was doing there. Suddenly Dallys eyes fluttered open and he smiled at me.

"Morning, Darlin'." He said in his morning voice.

"Morning, Babe." I replied we cuddled in bed for a little while longer before deciding to get dressed and do something. I decided in white jeans, vans, and one of Dallys' hoodies. I then threw my hair in a messy bun. "So what's the plan for today?" I asked as Dally slung his arm around my shoulder and blew a puff of smoke into my face.

"I'm gonna take you to meet my gang." He replied and smiled at me. Once we got to the house they all hang out at he led me inside. "Guys this is my girl Irini, Irini this is the guys." I waved at the guys and there were two different reactions. Three of them smiled politely and greeted me while the other three got really excited and surrounded me while asking many questions.

"Soda! Steve! Two-Bit!" The biggest guy yelled. "Your gonna suffocate the poor girl!"

"Sorry." They all muttered at once.

"It's alright." I replied and smiled. I observed each of the boys and stopped when I saw the one that just had to be Johnny. Dally loves that kid like I love my little brother. I started talking with them and then went to help Darry with supper. It's the least I can do.

"Y'know he really likes ya." Johnny said to me as he walked into the kitchen.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah. I still remember the first day he met ya. He wouldn't shut up about how tough you were." He said with a laugh. "But you're a different kind of tough."

"What do you mean?" I asked with my eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.

"You're tough when ya need to scare or hurt some. He's always tough cause he's scared to get hurt." He replied. "Thanks for making him happy." He smiled and left the kitchen. I didn't know what to say so I just stood there staring at the door for a moment.

"He's right ya know." Darry wiped his hands and walked into the living room. I followed and Dallas pulled me onto his lap.

"You like 'em?" He asked.

"I love 'em." I smiled and hugged him. I believe I have a future with him.

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