Ponyboy *requested*

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This was requested by @westbrook500. I hope you like it(:

"Haleigh, Everything will be fine." My mom told me as I stared at the new school ID be attending. Being a transfer in the middle of the year is probably the worst thing that could've happened. I have to make new friends and everything is taught in a different order. I could've missed something or I could be ahead.

"I don't wanna be here." I sighed before getting out of the car and walking into the school. I walked down the main hallway to see Socs on one side of the hall and greasers on the other. I had heard about this but I didn't think it was serious. It's just childish. I finally got my schedule once I found the office.

Throughout the day I got lost multiple times and I didn't really make any friends. I'm just ready to get done with science and go home.

"Class, this is Haleigh. She's new here." Mr. Johnson announced before telling me to have a seat. "Now I have assigned everyone partners to do a project in the topic we have just finished. Ponyboy I would like for you to be with Haleigh since she's new." I looked across the room to see an attractive boy nod his head and look at me. Once the rest of the class was informed about their partners we all went to start working together. I walked over to Pony and gave him a shy smile.

"Hey." I said quietly.

"Hey." He smiled politely. He told me what the project would be about and what we would be doing. We then discussed when and where we would work on it.

"So have you been around town yet?" He asked.

"No." I replied. "I really didn't want to move here."

"That sucks. Maybe I could show you around sometime." He said as his cheeks turned pink slightly.

"Yeah." I smiled widely. "I'd really like that."

"This weekend good?" He asked.

"Yep." I smiled as the bell rings signaling the day is over.


I woke up that Saturday morning with a smile on my face knowing I'd be spending the day with Ponyboy. On Wednesday we went to his house to work on the project. His friends definitely teased him a lot but it was fun. When I finally got ready I walked to his house to meet up with him.

"Pony here?" I asked Darry when he opened the door.

"Yeah." He answered with a grin and Pony pushed him aside and glared at him.

"Ready." He smiled as we walked away from the house. He showed me the places where most teens hang out. At the end of the day we went to the tasty freeze and just talked for a while. "So I was wondering.."

"Hm?" I asked sipping on my slushy.

"If you would wanna go on a date with me?" He asked shyly.

"I'd really like that." I smiled. Maybe moving here wasn't that bad.

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