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"Johnny?" I asked as we layed in the lot.


"I'm thinking about leaving Tulsa." It was silent. I've been thinking about this for a while now.

"What?" He sounded sad, angry, and confused.

"I'm gonna go somewhere without socs and greasers. I'm gonna go somewhere I can be happy." Johnny stared at me with hurt eyes. "Come with me." I whispered.

"I-I can't." He stuttered. "I couldn't just leave the gang."

"Don't just leave them. Explain to them why your leaving." I tried convincing him.

"I don't know (Y/n). We're both young, we won't have anywhere to stay, and we don't have any money."

"So what if we're young. And it's the same way here. We don't have any money. You don't have anywhere to stay. You just sleep in the lot or on the Curtis couch!" I was getting mad. We're both miserable here! We could go somewhere and be happy together!

"We haven't even graduated high school yet. I think you need to calm down and think about this." He said calmly. Johnny never yells. NEVER. He's an amazing boyfriend and I really don't want to leave him.

"I don't wanna leave you Johnny." I whispered.

"Then don't." He whispered back. "You really need to think this through." I sat there staring at him before finally agreeing.

"And you'll think about it too?" I asked hopefully.

"Yeah. I promise."

"Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise." He laughed as we hooked pinkies. "I'll see ya tomorrow babe."

"Bye." I sighed as I walked into my house. I hope he changes his mind. I guess I'll go think about it.

**Johnnys POV**

I knew (Y/n) couldn't stand this town. I knew she had thoughts on running away before. I didn't think she would ask me to leave with her. At first it sounded like a great idea but it's a lot of work. It probably won't end well and we'd have to come back which wouldn't be good for either of us. I decided to talk to the gang. See if they could help me change her mind.

"Hey Johnnycake." Dally said as I walked into the Curtis'.

"Hey Dal." I sat down on the couch. Everyone was having their own conversations but I knew this would quiet them down. "(Y/n) asked me to run away with her." As soon as I said it the room went silent.

"What'd you tell her?" Pony broke the silence.

"That I'd think about it." The whole gang stared at me. "I don't think I'm going to." I could see relief wash over them. "But I need help convincing her to stay."

"If she loves you. She'll stay." Sodapop said.

"I guess you're right. I'll tell her tomorrow I'm staying." After that I decided to go to sleep. Since all the gang was still over Soda said I could sleep in the bed with Pony and he'd sleep on the couch. The next day I was kinda nervous. I hope (Y/n) decides to stay. I don't think I can live without her.

"Hey Johnny." She ran in and jumped on my lap.

"Hey sweetie." I said and kissed her. It was more of a peck. The guys started whistling then making fun of my blushing.

"Did you think about it?" She asked after a couple minutes of random conversation.

"Yeah." She stared at me waiting for the answer. "I'm gonna stay." I could see the disappointment in her eyes. I knew the guys were listening from the kitchen. She sighed and layed her head on my shoulder.

"I guess that means I'm staying too." She said quietly. "I can't leave you. I love you."

"I love you too." I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her. It felt like nothing could break us apart right now. Like time just stopped.

"You think they're makin' out? It's real quiet in there." Well that moments over. Thank you Steve.

"Ya wanna go get a milkshake?" I ask knowing that they're her favorites.

"Of course!" She smiled. It was like the thought of running away never happened. It was like we were always happy.

**Your POV**

How could I turn down a milkshake? They're my absolute favorite! I decided to push away the thought of running away. Pretend like I never had it. Be happy with what I have.

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