Ponyboy *requested*

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This was requested by Okakamiya. I hope you like it!

"Ponyboy Curtis!" I yelled at him. "We are getting married in two months! You are not going to that rumble!"

"I have to, Vanessa!" He yelled. "They're my gang! I have to help them!"

"Well, if you're going then so am I." I stated as I sat down.

"No." He said with a stern tone.

"Well, why not?" I asked, feigning confusion.

"It's dangerous and you know it!" He yelled.

"Exactly!" I told him. "I'm not gonna let you go without me!"

"Well, you're gonna have to deal with it." Pony grumbled, annoyed that I haven't given up on it.

"I dunno." Soda interrupted. "I'm with Pony."

"She'll be fine, Pony." Steve defended me. "Grease girls fight in rumbles all the time."

"Yeah, but not my greasers girl." Pony mumbled as he slammed the door and went outside to smoke. I looked outside to see Soda talking to Pony and Pony suddenly getting angry. We all watched as they fought on the porch for a while until Pony stormed back into the house and pulled me into a passionate kiss. "I love you." He whispered as he pulled away.

"I love you too." I responded, trying to catch my breath.

"He could have any girl he wanted but he chose to like you." He muttered under his breathe, pushing my hair out of my face. I immediately knew he was talking about Soda. Soda confessed to me a long time ago that he liked me but I told him I was with Pony. I brought my lips to his once more.

"Yeah, but you're the only guy I want." I told him with a small smile. We both stood in a comfortable silence as the guys tried to awkwardly ignore us.

"Please don't go to the rumble." He begged.

"Only if you don't." I said, standing my ground. Pony stared at me with begging eyes before finally giving in.

"Fine. You have to be careful though." He groaned. I was slightly disappointed that he didn't just drop the rumble in general but I'm glad I get to make sure he's okay.

Hours later and all of the guys were getting hyped up for the rumble. Meanwhile I was complaining that we were having to go in the first place. We all ran out of the house, the guys were hollering and drinking while I rolled my eyes and stuck in the back of the group. Just as we reached where the rumbled was being held I felt someone grab onto my wrist. I turned to see Sodapop.

"Look, I'm really sorry about what happened earlier." He apologized, "but I can't help the way I feel."

"Soda, I'm with Ponyboy. You're going to have to accept that." I told him while pulling my arm away. I ran up to the group and stood beside Pony, grabbing his hand. Once the Socs arrived Darry went over the rules and we were thrown into a giant fight. After punching a Soc in the face I felt someone grab both my arms and hold me while another started beating me. Soon after Pony and Two-Bit came and git them off of me while I heard cheers and yells from the rest of the greasers as Socs ran back to their mustangs. I tried to sand up but couldn't because of how dizzy I was. I saw black spots and kept coughing up blood.

"Vanessa! You need to stay awake, doll." Pony said worriedly while carrying me to a car. "We're taking you to the hospital right now!" He assured.

"I'm fine." I tried to say but ended up coughing harder.

"Don't talk, doll. Just breathe and concentrate on me." He told me while holding my head up.

The next day I woke up in the hospital and saw everyone crowding the room, much to the nurses dismay. As soon as Pony saw my eyes open he rushed over to me.

"I promise that we'll do no more rumbles!" He kept rambling on about how sorry he was and how he couldn't forgive himself.

"Oh, shut up and kiss me." I smirked, pulling his face to mine.

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