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This is based off of make you miss me by Sam Hunt. I hope y'all like it(:

I was laying in my bed starring into my closet staring at my giant pile of shoes. It's maybe midnight and I can't stop thinking about Sodapop. I've recently broke up with him because I was getting kind of bored with the relationship but now I can't stop thinking about him. I just keep thinking about the things he said to me when I broke up with him.

I ain't gonna be that easy to leave.

Girl, I'm gonna make you miss me.

I couldn't believe that I was still thinking about him after two weeks of being broken up. I'm usually over a guy before we even break up, but Soda was such a sweet heart. He's different from the other guys I've dated. As I lay there I heard my phone ring and I dashed over to it hoping that maybe, just maybe, it would Sodapop. Once I picked up the phone I realized it was my best friend.

"Hey, sorry if I woke you. I was just having trouble sleeping and wondered if you wanted to come hang out." She asked.

"Yeah, of course." I said, acting as if nothing was wrong with me. "I'll be over in ten." We said our goodbyes and I got up and threw some clothes on. I looked around for a jacket and saw Sodas lying on the ground. I thought for a moment before sliding on and letting it fall into my shoulders. I looked in the mirror and gave myself a sad smile before leaving the house. As I walked to (Y/f/n)s house I kept remembering things he said.

The only reason that your good at goodbye is every boy you ever met, was too easy to forget. Well I ain't going out like that.

Once I reached her house I ran in and straight up to her room. She smiled as I walked in.

"And who's jacket is that?" She said with a smirk.

"It's mine." I laughed, trying to hide my lie. "I'm not talking to anyone right now." Little does she know that there's a pile of letters on my desk that I'll probably never mail. I don't think I could say something to his face.

"Okay, well, what do you want do?" She asked. We ended up watching a few movies and painting our nails. I looked through the colors seeing a bright red and instantly grabbed it, knowing that's his favorite color. Eventually (y/f/n) fell asleep and I was left with my thoughts. I couldn't help but wish that I was with him instead, sleeping in his shirt with his arms wrapped around my waist.

Sodapops POV

I'm sitting in the living room with Dally, Steve, and Two-bit. Darry, Pony, and Johnny went to bed earlier. They said they were tired, but I can hear Johnny and Pony talking to each other.

"So how did (Y/n) break up with you?" Dallas asked with a chuckle.

"It was a simple break up." I shrugged. "But I think she'll be back soon." Well, more like hope.

"What makes you think that?" Steve asked.

"You're crazy!" Two laughed.

"I've just got a feeling." I shrugged once again.

"I bet you my car she ain't coming back to you." Two yelled.

"I'll take that bet." I smiled. Everyone laughed. We continued through the night and everyone ended up passed out in the living room.

Early the next morning we were awoken my a loud knock on the door. I kicked two off the couch beside me.

"Go answer the door." I mumbled once I heard him hit the ground and groan.

"I hate you." He muttered as he stood up and trudged his way towards the door. Neither him or the person spoke a word and he walked back over to me and hitting me on the head. "It's for you." He said. "I'm not giving you my car." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I stood and walked towards the door. When I got to the door I saw (Y/n) standing there in my jacket with bright red finger nails.

"(Y/n)." I finally choked out. "What're you doing here?"

"I missed you." She said quietly as she stared at the ground. I couldn't help but smile as I pulled her into a hug.

"I missed you too."

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