Johnny *requested*

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Requested by @YoutubeLover915. I hope you like it.

I groaned as I awoke to the sun shining through my curtain and straight into my eyes. I contemplated staying in bed for a bit longer but decided I didn't want the guys to eat my breakfast. I slowly through my covers off of me and trudged my way into the hallway trying to dodge any boys that got in my way.

"Hey little sis." I heard my brothers, Darry, Sodapop, and Pony, say.

"Morning Maha." The rest said and I gave them a small wave.

"I'm the same age as you Pony." I pointed out as I grabbed my plate of food and making my way to sit by Johnny at the kitchen table. As soon as I sat down Johnny grabbed a hold of my left hand and intertwined our fingers. Johnny and I have been dating for about a month now. None of the gang approve. They claim that I'm to young for him.

"Actually, I'm five minutes older than you." Pony said cockily. "So technically I am older than you." I rolled my eyes in response as I shoved a price of bacon into my mouth. Pony I are nearly exactly alike. We're both smart, quiet, and like to keep to ourselves. Shortly we were joined by Sodapop at the table.

"So how are you two doing? Y'know with your relationship and stuff." Soda asked awkwardly causing me to giggle.

"We're doing pretty good." I replied with a small smile.

"Well that's good." He replied.

"What do you really wanna talk to us about?" Johnny asked with a small smile and knowing look.

"Okay, I know we've been pretty hard on y'all since we found out your dating, but I want to let you know that you have my full support." He said giving us his million dollar smile.

"I love you so much!" I said happily as I ran around the table to hug him. "You're my favorite brother at the moment!" I laughed and kissed his cheek

"Alright alright." He laughed as he pushed me off of him. Then after getting ready Johnny and I decided to head to the dingo. We walked down the street with Johnnys arm around my shoulder and mine around his waist.

"You cold, Babe?" Johnny asked as he saw me shiver.

"I'm fine." I responded with a reassuring smile.

"I can tell you're cold." He laughed. "Here, take my jacket. I'm wearing a sweater anyway." I didn't get to respond because before I could he already had the denim jacket around my shoulder.

"You're such a sweet heart." I laughed as I hugged him. After eating at The Dingo and walking around town a little bit we decided on going to the nightly double. I think they're having a horror movie marathon tonight. Once we crawled under the fence we sat where we almost always sat when we came. About halfway through the ads we heard the gang coming and sitting down behind.

"I just think she's too young for him. It's nothing against Johnny." Darry said with a sigh. I looked at Johnny and he put a finger to his lips, I knew he was also thinking if eavesdropping. We're about four rows in front of them. If they didn't talk so loud we wouldn't even be able to hear them.

"I think they're fine. If I works out it does if it doesn't it doesn't." Two-Bit threw in.

"Exactly!" Soda yelled. "Except they're gonna work out." I looked over and saw Johnnh with a huge smile on his face. After a while we got tired of listening to them so we focused on the movie. We were about half way in when there was a jump scare and I nearly fell out of my seat screaming.

"It's alright, babe." Johnny whispered into my ear as he rubbed my back. "It was just a jump scare." He said with a laugh.

"I know." I laughed with him. "I just didn't expect it. I guess a while ago the guys realized it was us sitting in front of them because we heard this.

"Y'know. I think they're really meant to be." Dally said and I heard a couple of agreements.

"I guess we were wrong." Pony added.

"Y'all were wrong" Soda threw in and I knew the guys were glaring at him. "Well y'all were." I then cuddled into Johnnys chest and smiled because I knew everything would work out.

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