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Darrys' POV

I stood over he stove as I made dinner only to be distracted by the rowdy bunch I call my gang stumbling in to the house. As I peeked into the living room I saw all of the boys settling into their usual spots throughout the house. I took special care in accounting for Soda and Pony first. One of which picked up a book as he settled onto the couch and the other immediately tackling Steve to the ground as they argued over the armchair. The boys argues and laughed loudly throughout their discussions, something I chose to ignore as I continued to make the spaghetti. 

"Hey, Darry!" Two-Bit yelled from the floor. "I think I've figured out what you need to remove that stick from your butt!"

I rolled my eyes in response but decided to indulge the conversation, "What's that?"

"A girl!" I heard a chorus of groans at the announcement. "I'm serious! You need someone fun to balance out your attitude, and I know just the girl for ya!"

"I don't need no girl," I chuckled. "I ain't even got time for one with the way you boys keep me bus."

I thought that would be the end of the conversation, that is until Soda decided to jump in with his two cents. 

"Well, if you wanna go Darry we'll be fine to fend for ourselves a night or two each week," he said. 

I narrowed my eyes at him in suspicion as I noticed him to start nudging Pony. The boys all stared at me carefully, as if they spoke too soon it would spook me from the idea of it.  

"Yeah, Dar. Go for it. You never get to go out and have fun anymore." Pony agreed, pushing Sodas elbow out of his side. 

"Wy does it feel like this something y'all have been discussing before right now?" I chuckled at their obviousness. "Y'know what? Fine. I have gone out in a while, might as well."

Even I was surprised at how quickly I agreed to this blind date, a blind date set up by Two-Bit no less. I can only assume I've set myself up for an evening of misery by agreeing to this. I don't imagine Two knows many girls that wouldn't drive me up the wall after ten minutes, I've seen the girls he's dated. 

Two-Bit cheered in victory as he shot off the ground and stumbled over to the phone. He quickly dialed in a number before slamming the phone to his ear. "Hey, remember that guy I was telling you about that would be perfect for you? Well he said he'd be wanna go on a date with you!" There was a long moment of silence before hearing him let out a sigh and speak again. "Look I know that last guy was a flop, but I promise this guy is nothing like that last guy!" Another moment of silence. "Yes, I swear on it! Perfect! How about - wait a second - Darry! when's a good day for the date?"

"Ask her if lunch on Saturday is okay?" I said.

"You hear that? Lunch on Saturday?" he muttered into the phone. Then with a quick goodbye, he slammed the phone back down into the receiver. "Darrel Curtis, you are officially going on a date this Saturday."

The gang let out a mocking cheer. 

"Y'all shut up and come eat."

Your POV

I chewed my nails as I paced by the front door. I can't believe I let Two-Bit Matthews talk me into this. The last time he set me up on a date the boy ended up throwing up on my shoes at the drive-in during the middle of the movie. Not to mention that he spent the whole time trying to feel me up! This new guy is officially 15 minutes late, so he isn't off to a good start. I can only hope he'll make up for it throughout lunch. 

I wasn't sure where this Darry was planning on taking me for lunch and had decided on wearing a casual sundress, but now I worry that I might've dressed down. I stared at myself in the mirror, fiddling with my hair. Maybe I have time to change my outfit?

Before I could get to the bedroom closet I heard a firm knock on the door. I guess it's too late for changing. I quickly shuffled over to the door, placing a small smile on my face before opening it and greeting the man. 

As the door opened I was delightfully surprised by the man standing in front of me. His hair was carefully greased back and his arms bulged in the tee shirt he wore. He's officially made up for the late arrival with his looks alone. 

"Hi, are you Darry?" I asked as he stuck a hand out in greeting. 

"Yes!" he greeted while speaking my name, "I'm so sorry i'm late! I completely lost track of time and my kid brothers were being a lot."

"Oh, don't worry about it! It happens to the best of us!" I reassured.

He sent me a thankful smile as he led me out of my house ad towards his little truck parked by the road. 

We made small talk on the drive to a local diner on the outskirts of town and I could already tell how much I was going to like him. He seemed so comfortable within himself he was already showing parts of his soft side, something that was hard to find in a man these days. 

"So, how do you know Two-Bit?" the question was asked as our cokes had arrived to the table, a question that seems simple upon grace, but had caused me to choke on my drink. Darry was startled at my response and immediately started to hand me napkins from across the table. 

"I'm sorry," I continued to cough, "I assumed he would've told you!"

"Two doesn't tell me anything useful," he responded, causing me to chuckle. 

"Two and I went on a few dates a while back." I answered the question, hoping that wouldn't negatively affect Darrys feelings. "He's a sweet boy y'know, but we both just agreed we weren't each others types. I need someone who is little more responsible and stable y'know. He's been setting me up on dates since then though, claiming I don't deserve to be alone"

"I can understand that." a soft smile was on his lips as he spoke and I could feel myself relax as the fact had not put him off or made him uncomfortable. 

The rest of the meal continued without issue, and my stomach ached from laughter as he told me stories about his brothers and his gang. By the time he was dropping me off at my house, I didn't want to leave. Slowly I climbed out of the truck and he walked me to my front door.

"I had a nice time tonight."

"Me too."

I stared into his eyes after his agreeance, hoping for the invite of another date. He let out a breathy chuckle as he looked down at his shoes, scratching the back of his neck. My cheeks grew warm as I realized, he's shy. When he finally looked back up at me I decided to take the leap. I stood on my tip toes, leaning up and placing a soft, short kiss on his lips. 

As I pulled away, the both of us smiled without matching pink cheeks and I couldn't help but giggle. 

"Would you wanna go out again sometime?"

"I absolutely would love to."

Darry walked back to his truck with biggest, goofiest grin on his face. He knew he would have to listen to Twos relentless bragging about his matchmaking skills, but he would gladly suffer through as it meant he got to meet you. 

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