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Every girl has a boy that makes her forget everything she ever knew about love. A boy that makes her lose all control of herself. For some people it's someone as simple as a crush while others it's more complex, like an ex or a friends with benefits. Then there's the lucky ones who get to marry theirs. Mine happens to be an ex, Dallas Winston to be exact. I'll be perfectly fine but the moment my eyes meet with his I'm basically hypnotized. I haven't seen him in months though. I've been talking to another guy and everything seems to be going perfect. At the time I'm at the night double with a group of my friends.

"Don't look now but Dallas is over there." One of my friends laughed. I rolled my eyes as I look over to see Dallas and his gang.

"Whatever. I'm gonna run to the bathroom." I got up, deciding that I would hide out until the movie started in case he saw me. I was about to walk into the bathroom when two arms trapped me against the wall.

"Hey, (Y/n). You weren't even gonna say hi?" Dallas said with a smirk.

"Wasn't planning on it." I breathed out as I stared into his dark brown eyes. We stood in silence for a couple of minutes.

"I don't know why you were gonna hide in the bathroom. You of all people should know that I'm not scared to go into the girls room after you." He whispered in my ear with a husky voice. "Wanna get out of here?" I stared at him for a minute longer until I finally responded.

"Where to?" I asked in return, raising an eyebrow.

"Wherever you wanna go, baby." He answered as he leaned in kissing my lips.

"Then let's go." I smiled at him. He grabbed my hand and we started to head for the hole in the fence. As we passed our friends we told them we were leaving. His gang all grinned at him while mine let out protests.

"I don't think so!" My best friend screamed while getting up.

"Run!" I said with a giggle. He smiled as we both made our way to the fence.

"Hey!" My best friend yelled while grabbing our arms. "Look she's talking to a nice guy and she could get over you and actually move on! Why don't you just leave her alone?"

"'Cause I love her." Dallas said as he threw an arm over my shoulder. "And I don't care if no one in this world approves, I'm gonna be with her." And with that we both ran out of the nightly double. I laughed as picked me up and ran to his car. Once we were in the car we just drove around town.

"Did you really mean what you said back there? Do you really love me?" I asked quietly, praying that he wasn't just trying to get me away from my friends. He stared at the road for a moment before he finally responded.

"Every word of it." He said sincerely. I couldn't help the smile that grew on my face. I say back in my seat when I felt Dallas slip his hand in mine. "Now let's not talk about all this right now. Let's just enjoy our night."

**Dallas' POV**

Every guy has that girl that makes him go weak in the knees. He'll never admit that but it's true. That girl is almost always way too good for him and most are smart enough not to be with the guy. That girl for me happens to be (Y/n) (Y/l/n). I also am lucky enough to know she loves me just as much as I love her.

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