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I was putting my stuff in my locker when I felt some wrap their arms around my waist. I smiled and turned around to see my boyfriend, Steve.

"Hey Doll. How was your day?" He asked kissing my cheek.

"Great. Yours?" I asked in return.

"Amazing now that I'm with you." He replied.

"Are you still coming to dinner to meet my parents?" Steve has gotten out of this a couple times. He's really nervous.

"Yeah." He groaned.

"Good! They're gonna love you I promise." I smiled and turned back around to finish putting my stuff up.

"What do I need to wear?"

"A nice flannel and jeans will work." I smiled.

"You're dads a cop though! Does he know I'm a greaser?" I'm in the middle class and my dad doesn't really like greasers.

"I have informed him." I laughed. Steve is cute when he's nervous. "And no he's not fond of the idea but you will prove him wrong."

"Alright." He mumbled.

"Okay well I better get home and let my parents know you're coming."

"I'll give you a ride." We continued talking as we walked to his car. He kept his arm around my shoulder the entire ride. He stopped in front of my house and kissed my cheek.

"I'll call you with a time to come over." I informed and jumped out of the car. Steve nodded and drove away after I blew him a kiss. It's something we always do. As I was about to walk into my house I heard my little brother, Chase, calling my name. I turned around and saw him running up to the house. "Hey little man." I ruffled his hair when he reached me. "How was your day?" My little brother has one blue eye and one brown eye. Most people think it's cool but the socs make fun of him. Not the kids. The high schoolers! I've threatened them before but I'm not that threatening.

"It was great!" He exclaimed. "Some guy stopped the Socs from a picking on me!" Chase is in fourth grade.

"Really? Who?" I asked as we walked into the house.

"I don't know. Some greaser." Then he ran off to tell mom and dad. Today is my dads day off which is why I suggested dinner tonight. After he got done with telling them I told them Steve was coming for dinner. My mom was quite excited my dad not so much. I quickly went to call Steve to tell him what time to be here.

Steve ended up coming a little earlier so he could talk to my parents some before supper. When he got to the door I grabbed his hand and quickly pulled him in.

"Mom. Dad. This is Steve." I smiled fondly at Steve and back at my parents. My mother smiled and introduced herself while my dad kind of glared at him.

"You look familiar." My dad said. "You get in a fight the other week?" Steve blushed and I knew the answer.

"Daddy!" I scolded. "We are going to have a nice dinner." My dad nodded but continued to glare at Steve. My parents asked him a few more questions before dinner and my dad definitely didn't like him. This is gonna be a long dinner. When supper was ready we all sat at the table.

"Chase! Get down here! It's time to eat!" My dads called to Chase. We heard him running down the stairs and then him gasp. I looked at him and he smiled.

"Daddy that's the guy that made the Socs leave me alone! He told them to pick on someone their own size." I once again turned and smiled fondly at Steve. "Is this your boyfriend (Y/n)?"

"It is." I replied happily. My dad suddenly smiled at Steve.

"Thank you Steve. I guess your not as bad as I thought."

"You're welcome sir. It wasn't a problem at all." For the rest of dinner Steve, Chase, and my father quickly bonded. They talked about cars, football, and a bunch of other stuff. I love my family.

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