Steve *requested*

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Requested by @Breanna_Mathews. I hope you like it.

"I can't believe you crashed your daddy's mustang!" My friend stares at the with an open mouth.

"Well, help me get it to DX!" I said as if it were obvious. "We gotta get this thing fixed before my dad gets home."

"What do you want me to do about it?"
She laughed.

"Get your boyfriend and his friend!" I said in a duh tone.

"Oh, I'm sure Steve'll do it for ya. Let me call Soda. He won't tell him no." She said while running in the house to call her boyfriend.

"Hurry up! I'm not in the mood to die today." I muttered to myself. If my daddy finds out I crashed his prize possession into a very unreasonably placed pole.  After sitting 30 minutes on that curb Soda and Steve finally showed up to take my car to the DX to get fixed.

"What did you do to this poor car?" Steve stared in shock at the poor car.

"It was an accident!" I groaned. "I just need to know if you can fix this in two days?" I ask with a hopeful smile.

"Whew that's gonna be a lot of work." He looked at me doubtfully.

"Please." I begged. "I'll do anything."

"Fine." He smiled. "But you gotta help me fix the car and let me me take you on a dare afterwards."

"I think that's a fair deal." I answered with a wide smile. "But I'm gonna warn you, I don't know much about cars."

"Don't worry." He kissed my cheek. "I'll show you."

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