Johnny *requested*

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Requested by @johnnyboycurtis. I hope you like it.

Moving to Tulsa isn't the most excited thing of the summer. I sat on the front porch of our new house and looked around the neighborhood. The houses next to ours are drab and the cars that pass by are old and beat up. I think that I can safely assume we don't live on the best side of town.

"Why don't you go out and explore the neighborhood?" My mom said as she walked out of the house.

"Because I might get kidnapped." I said with a roll of my eyes. I heard my dad chuckle behind me and couldn't help the small smile that grew on my face.

"Jacey!" My mother lectured. "That is incredibly rude!"

"This town is incredibly boring." I said while staring into the empty street. My mother was about to say something when a voice interrupted her.

"You can say that again!" The voice said with a laugh. I turned to see two boys walking on the sidewalk. One had black hair and his skin was pale. He was laughing and I assume he is the one who spoke. The other had dark skin and hair and had a small grin on his face.

"See even the locals agree mom!" I said with an over exaggerated hand motion.

"If you want we can show you the okayest parts of town." Said the pale one with a raised eyebrow. As both my dad and I were about to protest my mother answered.

"She would love that!" And with that she was dragging my dad into the house and pushing me off the porch towards these two boys. That I don't even know the names of. And could also kill me. But whatever.

"I'm Johnny." The quieter one spoke up. "This is Dallas."

"Jacey." I said with a polite smile. They ended up taking me to their gangs house and then they took me The Dingo. The three of us sat while eating when a guy with blonde hair and a blue Polo walked to our table.

"Hey, babe." He winked as he threw his arm around my shoulder.

"Umm, could you not?" I asked quietly as I removed his arm from my shoulder. Dallas rolled his eyes and glared at the guy. He kept bugging me and tried kissing me. Dallas was about to do something but we were both surprised when it was Johnny who said something.

"Hey!" Johnny yelled. "Leave Jacey alone. She's asked you nicely." The guy in the Polo rolled his eyes.

"What are you gonna do to make me stop?" He asked in a cocky tone.

"I'll have Dallas Winston beat you up." He said. A smirk sat on Dallas' face as the kids eyes grew wide. He started stuttering and eventually stumbled away from the table and to his group of friends. We then finished eating and Johnny said he'd walk me home. We made small talk until we were nearly at my house.

"Thanks for what you did today, Johnny." I told him with a small smile on my face. His cheeks started to turn a light shade of pink and he looked at the ground as he walked.

"It was nothing really." He told me with a small smile on his face.

"Well, I thought it was something." I said as we stopped in front of my house. "You're sweet and should definitely call me." I told him as I gave him my number and kissed him on the cheek. I walked up my steps and turned to give him a small wave. His face was as red as a tomato and he had a huge smile on my. Maybe Tulsa will be a little more interesting than I thought.

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