Sodapop *requested*

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This one is for @greasers_since_1980. I hope you like it.

I walked into the Curtis house with Johnny. He definitely my best friend out of the group. I mean I get along with all the, well except Sodapop, but Johnny just gets me. I don't know why Soda and I never really got along. We just kind of hate each other without reason. I don't really feel like feeling with him today though. My boyfriend broke up with me for another girl last night, so naturally I spent the whole night crying my eyes out. Now I have an awful head ache and I'm tired since I didn't sleep.

"Hey Chloe." Everyone greeted as I came in.

"Ugh. What're you doing here?" Sodapop groaned.

"Oh, shut up and ignore me like you usually do." I rolled my eyes. "Gosh, you're so annoying."

"I'm the annoying one?" He scoffed. "I beg to differ!" This is how our days usually go. I get here, argue with Soda for a bit, then we give each other the silent treatment for the rest of the day.

"I'm not doing this today." I sighed. Soda stared at me with a weird look for about five minutes before I finally said something. "What?"

"There's something wrong with you." He stated.

"What?" I asked with a confused look.

"She looks fine to me." Steve said and all the other boys nodded and grumbled their agreements in unison.

"Nah, she never backs out of an argument." Soda says, still staring at me curiously.

"Well you can figure it out later since you have the whole house to yourselves today." Darry replied coming from his room. "We all have work, school, and whatever Dally does in his free time today except you two." Both, Soda and I, groaned. "Don't kill each other while we're gone."

Once the gang had left we just sat there awkwardly not knowing what to do or talk about.

"What's wrong?" Soda asked with a concern on his face instead of curiosity.

"Nothing." I replied in a whisper.

"You're eyes are slightly blood shot and you're speaking in a whisper." He said and gave me a knowing look.

"Y'know you aren't as dumb as you think you are." I sighed in defeat. "Why do you care anyway? We hate each other." I mumbled.

"I don't hate you." He mumbled in return. "It's the opposite really."

"What do you mean?" I asked with furrowed brows.

"I like you, Chloe." He said as his cheeks turned pink. "A lot. But you have a boyfriend. I thought if I was mean to you the feelings would go away."

"Actually I don't have a boyfriend anymore." He shot his head up and looked at me surprised. I told him the whole story of what happened and to say he was angry was an understatement.

"How could someone do that to a girl!"

"It doesn't matter anymore." He sighed knowing he wouldn't convince me otherwise. After a couple moments of silence he spoke up again.

"Chloe, Do you think I have a chance with you?" He asked quietly with a look of hope on his face. I thought about it for a moment before answering.

"I think you do." I replied as a smile lit up his face. "Once I get over the heartbreak and we get closer."

"Thank you!" He cheered and wrapped me in a hug. After that we cuddled up on the couch and watched TV. The boys are definitely in for a shock when they get home.

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