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Dallas and I are having another fight. He's mad cause I was flirting with some guy. It's not like it was gonna go anywhere it's just nice to have attention sometimes. I would never cheat on him and he would never cheat on me. He may sleep around but when he's dating a girl he's with that girl. I know this because I tried to get with him when he was with Sylvia. I was drunk and completely forgot about it until I saw him again.

"I wasn't gonna get with him! Why don't you trust me?" I yelled. Dally and I honestly don't fight much but when we do we get into it.

"Maybe cause you flirt with random guys!" Dally yelled getting frustrated.

"Oh you lead girls on as well and you know it." I rolled my eyes. Dally walked up and put us hands on the side of my face. He's done this before. I think it's just showing he's angry. He's never hurt me before. "Besides maybe I like the attention." I pointed out.

"You make me so mad!" I rolled my eyes again and say on the couch causing him to get even madder. "Why do you do that?! You're so annoying. Why am I dating you?" That made me angry.

"I hate you!" I said before thinking. At that moment I swear you could hear a pen drop. He looked at me and I was about to start apologizing but he stopped me. He slowly walked up to me and slid his hand between my legs and I forgot how to breathe for a second.

"This." He whispered. "Is mine. are we clear?"

"Crystal." I replied never taking my eyes off his.

"Good." He said and left the house making sure to slam his door on the way out.

**Dallys POV**

As soon as she said those three words I knew she regretted it. She had a look of shock in her eyes like she didn't know that was coming out of her mouth. I decided to prove my point and leave before the fight got any worse. I wanna just forget about it but something she said just won't get out of my head. 'Besides maybe I liked the attention.' Do I not give her enough attention? Maybe I should ask Darry for advice. As I thought that I started walking to the Curtis'. As I walked up to the house I knew Pony would be in bed and I heard Darry tell Soda he needed to goto bed since he had work in the morning. I walked in as Soda agreed and went to his room.

"Hey Dally you need somewhere to crash?" Darry asked.

"Nah. I need some advice." I sat down on the couch.

"What about?" He rose his eyebrows.

"(Y/n)." I muttered. Darry is the only one in the gang that has met (Y/n). Darry laughed a little and looked at me.

"You really like this girl don't you?"

"Yeah. She's different from all the other girls."

"What ya need advice about?" Darry gave me a small smile.

"Do I give her enough attention?"

"Girls." Darry sighed. "Want attention from their guys. They want the guys to make them feel good about themselves." Darry explained and I nodded as he spoke. "And girls know guys are bad at that stuff. So if you make an effort she'll be just as happy. Does that help any?"

"A lot." I gave him a genuine smile. "Thanks Darry."

"No problem."

**Your POV**

I fell asleep on the couch while waiting for Dally to come back. I knew he was still angry when he left and I wish I knew where he went. He probably spent the night at bucks. I woke up to someone shaking me and I groaned a little.

"Wake up beautiful, your day awaits." Dally whispered into my ear. I smiled to myself and opened my eyes to see Dally crouched in front me.

"You just made my day." I said leaning in to give him a kiss. He smiled and pulled me off the couch. "I didn't mean what I said last night." I instantly felt bad again as I remembered it.

"I know." He smiled at me. "What do ya say we go steal some breakfast from the Curtis'?"

"Darry?" I asked trying to remember if that was him.

"Yeah. You can meet his brothers." We walked out the smiling and laughing. It was as if the fight never happened. I love Dallas Winston.

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