Dallas *requested*

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This was requested by -juliee-. I hope you like it!

Another day has passed and it marks three weeks of not leaving my house. Three weeks since Two-Bit cheated on me. Three weeks since Dallas Winston started visiting me every night at ten o'clock. At first I refused to let him in, not wanting to associate myself with any of Two-Bits gang. Especially not the guy who would constantly hit on me and flirt with me right in front of my boyfriend, but after the fourth night I let him in. I expected the usual cocky and rude attitude but instead opened the door to a sympathetic smile and a look of understanding. Everything else is history. I heard a knock on the door and immediately knew it was him. He's never a minute earlier or a minute later. A small smile made its way onto my face as I stood from the couch to open the door.

"You know, you don't have to knock anymore." I told him with a smirk.

"I know, but it's the polite thing to do." He told me as he slung an arm over my shoulder. We walked to the couch and he asked about my day, I gave him the same answer as everyday.

"Just hung out here." I shrugged.

"We should do something." He said and quickly stood from the couch, pulling me up with him.

"I really don't want to Dallas." I whined as I tried to pull away from.

"Well, I wanna take you on a date." He told me. "So you might want go get dressed, unless you wanna go like that." I groaned and rolled my eyes while stomping to my room, trying to conceal my nerves for going on a date with him. I didnt think he liked me like that. I quickly threw on a cute tank top and a pair of dark blue jeans. I was quiet as I left my room. "You look beautiful." Dally said once his eyes landed on me. I was quiet as he laced our fingers together and started walking towards to door. Just as we reached his car I stopped and stared at the door.

"What if we see him?" I asked nervously. "What would I say? What would I do?" He walked towards me and wrapped his arms around my waist, puling me closer to him, making my breath hitch.

"You don't have to do anything, Doll." He whispered in my ear, his hot breath giving me goosebumps. "You can just leave that to me."

"Okay." I said quietly as he opened the passenger door for me. I climbed into the car and waited for him to start the car. Soon we were driving down the street and he refuses to tell me where we were going. Eventually we pulled into a small ice cream shop with a lit up sign in the window that said, 'OPEN 24 HOURS'. His cheeks were pink when I looked over at him with a giant smile on my face.

"I hope this is okay?" He said hopefully.

"This is great. I love ice cream." With that his usual cocky smirk fell onto his face, causing me to roll my eyes at him. We walked into the little ice cream shop and saw that we were the only ones there. We ordered one to share, the sizings were huge, and got two different flavors. After arguing for a good ten minutes the worker told us that he could give us both flavors. We sat at a tiny booth in the corner and started talking. It was honestly the best date I've ever been on. Just as we had finished our ice cream and sodas Dallas grew serious.

"Look, I just want you to know, all those times I would hit on you and flirt. I meant everything, I wanted you so much that I didn't care if I had to lose a friend to do it. You wouldn't believe the fights that Two and I had over you. I promise that I will never do anything to hurt you. I just want you to be my girl." He confessed. You would expect his cheeks to be pink or for him to be nervous, but this is Dallas Winston. It's a shock he even said this. I stared at him in awe and confusion. After a couple of minutes of silence his face dropped slightly. "Please say something." He begged, losing his confident demeanor. A million thoughts were running through my mind as I looked into his eyes. His eyes were genuine as they showed all of the emotions he was feeling.

"Well, you always get what you want. Right?" I asked, sending him a playful.

"I do." He said, a wide smile growing on his face. "But is this what you want, Julie?"

"I believe it is." I told him softly. He grabbed my hand and we ran out of the restaurant. It was pouring the rain and we ran as fast as we could to get into the car. We were both sitting in the car, water dripping from our hair. I looked over to see him already looking at me. It was as if time stopped and he started to lean in towards me. His eyes dropped to my lips and after what felt like ten years our lips connected. I felt like there was a firework show going off inside me as I tangled my fingers into his hair.

I think this one might work out.

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